Chapter 5

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He stared at him, seeing tears prick at his eyes. 'What is wrong with me? I can kill him now. He's weak.' He thought. "Pl-Please let me go. I-I won't say anything about where you are. I want t-to see my parents." He begged and cried. All Michael did was grunt and watch him cry. He pointed to the couch and he looked, getting what he meant. "I-I can't stand. My ankle hurts to much..." He looked at his ankle, seeing it swell. 'You've got to be kidding me' He sighed, releasing his hair. He picked him up, laying him on the couch. He looked around the cabin, trying to find something that could fix his ankle. Outside, he found a water barrel, full of dirty water. He put his finger in it to see if it was cold, luckily it was. He found a rag and put it into the water. 'He can deal with it.' He thought and walked back inside. He found him still on the couch, not like he could move anyways. He walked over to him and wrapped his ankle with the rag. "Th-Thank you.." He grunted and left the cabin. 'I have to find food and water now.' He thought.

At The Myers House

Mrs. (l/n) screamed at the sight. All of the cops were killed, blood and insides everywhere. "(y/n)! Where are you!" Mr. (l/n) yelled, running into the house. "Jake and (y/n) are gone." "They must have ran once they seen what was happening." Dr. Loomis told them. "We need to find them! Our son is out there somewhere with that maniac running around!" Mrs. (y/n) yelled while Mr. (l/n) tried to calm her down. "We will Mrs. (l/n). This is his house he always comes back here." Dr. Loomis said. "What do you mean always?" Mr. (l/n) asked, glaring at Dr. Loomis. "Y-You see...He's gotten out before and we found him, here, at his house. We thought fixing it up and putting it up for sale would stop him. Seems we were wrong. We-" "So you led us on!? Telling us we got the job, to move here as soon as we could! You told us the Myers story and said he couldn't get out! If we would have known, we would not have endangered (y/n) like that!" Mrs. (l/n) yelled at Dr. Loomis. "That's exactly why we couldn't tell you. We needed you here to help with Michael. I was hoping to get a response from him that he wouldn't give to anyone who was allowed to see him. You se-" "This was all a set up! We're part of your sick experiment and now our son is in danger!" Mrs. (l/n) yelled at Dr. Loomis again, holding tightly onto her husband as she cried harder. "As soon as we get (y/n) back we're leaving. I can't believe you would have me endanger my family like this Loomis." Mr. (l/n) said, trying to calm his wife down.

Dr. Loomis picked up the radio from the sheriffs body, radioing in for all cops within a 2 mile radius to keep a look out for Michael Myers. "2 miles!? 2 miles!? He could be gone from 2 miles for all we know!" "Mrs. (l/n), calm down. He wouldn't leave that far from his home town." Dr. Loomis replied. "I can't get ahold of him. He must have left his phone in all of the commotion. I'm going to check the house again and see if I can find it. He's the only one with Jake's number after all." Mr. (l/n) said, walking into the house. Mrs. (l/n) glared at Dr. Loomis as tears streaked her face. Mr. (l/n) checked everywhere for his sons phone, even calling it in hopes it would ring. He sighed and gave up looking as the phone was not in the house. He looked around, feeling as if he was being watched. He saw a figure move passed the doorway in the dark kitchen. He walked over, seeing if he could see what it was. His wife came into the house as he was about to flick the kitchen light on. "Come on dear. We need to try to find (y/n)." He nodded and followed his wife out the house. "I couldn't find his phone, even when I called it." Mr. (l/n) sighed, worried about his son. Michael watched from the window as they left with Dr. Loomis. He started rummaging through the house for food and drinks. Michael looked for a bag and found a backpack on the couch. Dumping everything out of it, he threw the food and drinks into the bag, and left. He also took other things he figured would be needed. Unknowingly to his parents, Michael took his phone so he couldn't call for help.

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