Chapter 12

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I sat at the table with Michael as Kate made breakfast. "So Michael?" He looked at her. "Are you a mechanic?" We both looked at Michael. "Um, yes?" "Great! How much would it be to look at my car? It has been making noises since yesterday." I could see the regret in his eyes. "I'd...have to look at it...first" "Ok, I'll show you later." She smiled at him. She made our plates and sat them down in front of us. "I hope you're fine eating bacon, sausage, eggs, and hashbrowns Michael." Kate said and he nodded in response. We finished eating and Kate dragged Michael off to fix her car. I went to my office to put the last few things on my bookshelf.

Michael managed to fix Kate's car. "Thank you so much Michael! How long have you known (y/n)?" She handed him some money for fixing her car. "Uh, a few...years now.." He wasn't used to talking to anyone except (y/n). "Really? He's never mentioned you, but he has mentioned the Michael Myers that ruined his life. I couldn't believe he actually existed. I thought he was a myth." What she said struck his heart harder then anything he ever felt. "Where is he?" "Most likely his office. He's in there a lot, I don't know why, but I don't want to bother him. I suggest cleaning up before you go in there though." Michael nodded and went to find his office. He finally found his office and walked in. (y/n) was too busy to notice Michael had walked in. He looked around at her office and seen a lot of pictures. He seen a picture of his parents before and after they had gotten married. He seen pictures of him as he grew up, but after a certain point, there were no more pictures. Michael wondered why and walked up behind him, watching him fix his shelves.

"I know you're there Michael." I felt him wrap his arms around me and hummed. "I" He started kissing the back of my neck. "Mi-Michael, stop." I tried to get out of his arms, but he held me tighter. He kept kissing my neck and slightly sucking on it. I moaned and leaned more into him. "Michael, what do you want?" He stopped and rested his chin on my head. He didn't answer me and I sighed. "Let me go Michael." "No." He moved my face towards him and kissed me. My eyes went wide and I woke up. 'It was a dream...' I thought and looked next to me. Nobody was beside me. I got dressed and went downstairs. "Kate?" "Hmm?" "Is anyone else here?" "Yeah, Michael." I sighed, I hoped it was all just a dream. It was finally Monday, so I got to start my new job. I ate breakfast and went back to my room so I could get ready for work.

"(y/n)..." I turned around to see Michael. "Do you not know how to knock!?" He seemed to not care about what I said as he looked at me. "Get out!" His eyes finally met mine. "Where going?" "Work. Out now." Michael refused to move. Slightly frustrated, I continued to get dressed. "Why?" "Why what?" "Work." "Because unlike you, I need money to pay bills, afford food, and other things." "I ca-" "If it involves you killing people to get money, no Michael." "Killing?" I looked behind him to see Kate. "Fuck." I mumbled. "What do you mean killing?" "I, uh.." I couldn't tell her that he is Michael Myers. I didn't want her to ever find that out, considering I was hoping it was all a dream. Michael and Kate looked at me, she was waiting for an answer. "I'm going to be late for work." I tried to rush out, but she stopped me. "After work, we're talking." She said as I left.

After working for eight hours, I finally got home. It was around dinner time. Work was long and exhausting. As soon as I walked in the house, I laid down on he couch. "Long day?" Kate asked me. "Mhm." "You know you're not getting out of what I asked right?" "Yes." After I rested for a few minutes, dinner was ready. All three of us sat at the table and ate. "So, you know what happened to me when I fist lived here right?" "Yeah." "He is Michael Myers." The look on her face said a lot. She was scared, worried, and some other emotions I couldn't tell. "Don't call the cops." I told her. "And why not!? We have a ki-" "I know what he is, but remember when I told you he wasn't dead and I knew he wasn't? The cops that tried didn't stand a chance. I don't need another fuck up in my life. I don't need to see another blood bath either. I went through more then I was willing to tell you or anyone because I was scared they'd throw me in a psych ward." "Why would they?" "Unlike those who live here, he's basically a myth outside of Haddonfield. When I told the cops questioning me about my moms suicide, they didn't believe me on half of what I told them. I was questioned about whether or not I was on drugs or drinking." She just looked at me as I continued to eat.

"But, wouldn't anywhere around Haddonfield know about him?" I shrugged. "I think they keep it within the community." She looked at Michael as he ate. "As far as I know, you're fine. He would have killed you by now like he did....nevermind." I cut myself off, not wanting to bring up that memory. We finished eating. "So, what all happened when you lived here?" I looked at her. "I'd rather not..." I walked to the living room. Soon, Kate and Michael walked in. "Want to watch a movie?" Kate asked me. "Sure, anything is fine." She nodded and went to put in a movie while Michael sat down next to me. After she put in (movie), she sat down with us. "So I'm assuming that you guys aren't actually dating then?" "Yes." "No." Michael and I said at the same time. I glared at him and Kate laughed. "Are you trying to be less scared of him?" "Maybe..." "Good luck with that." I said sarcastically and smiled at her. "Haha, (y/n)." As the movie went on, Michael pulled me into his lap and rested his chin on my head.

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