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Twenty-three years ago, Homebound Sector, Haven System, Base Oceana

"Come in," a voice called, breaking out of a conversation he could vaguely hear through the door.

Commander Gives stepped into the room, the powered door whooshing closed behind him. Two people were waiting beneath the soothing light of the crystal chandelier. Arms crossed upon his chest, Brent looked none too happy, the sneering twist missing from his lips for the moment, but the other approached him with the big, grand smile of a practiced politician.

"Commander Gives," she greeted, initiating a handshake clearly practiced to be friendly, "it's been so long. But believe me, it's good to see you."

"Once again, it is an honor, ma'am." Not many officers ever had meetings with the president of the republic, but his unusual status had necessitated her involvement. Despite the required formalities between their ranks, he said nothing to Brent. It was sickening enough to stand in the same room. He would never regard the man as his superior unless given a direct order.

Similarly, Brent said nothing. He regarded the Commander the way a cat regarded water: with utter disgust.

Between them, Tui felt the tension and simply sighed. Always the same. "Gentlemen, there is no call to be hostile. I simply wanted to congratulate the Commander on his first successful tour, and what a long one it was."

"Thank you, ma'am," Gives said, dipping his head politely. As friendly as Tui seemed, that was a politician's act. Her skinny frame hid an incredible amount of ferocity, enough to earn the respect of Brent's psychopathy. As president, she'd run on a political platform promising to end the violence on the Frontier. When she did so, she'd been hailed as a peacemaker, but her policies had been nothing so kind. It was this tiny woman, with a deceptively young-looking face framed by short black hair, who had authorized the fleet's excessive use of force. It was she who had ordered Command to exterminate even the rumors of separatist forces, because if there was no rumor of rebellion, there was no rebellion either. Her ruthlessness had chased away even the idea that mass separatist forces could still exist anywhere in the worlds.

It was no surprise that Gives had been summoned to meet with her and Brent. The General was always eager to nitpick his work, and the commander-in-chief had taken a special interest in his success – or lack thereof. They would keep him busy until the spooks on Base Oceana finished the analysis of the mission data and promptly arrested him for treason.

But, Tui was oblivious to that at the moment. "I am impressed with the way you conducted yourself, Commander. I am thankful to find one of such conviction among the fleet's ranks." A soldier who never questioned orders would always have value.

"What," Brent snarled, entirely affronted by Tui's shower of appreciation, "we're supposed to be grateful that he brought the damned flagship back in one piece? We're supposed to make him a hero for doing his job?" He scoffed. "Nothing on the Frontier can even threaten her. An idiot could have done that."

"An idiot has done that," Commander Gives retorted.

Brent's nostrils flared. "What was that, dirt buster?" He stomped closer to tower over the younger officer, "Trying to get me to wring that pathetic neck of yours?" He clenched his hands, desperately wanting to clasp them around a throat, any throat. "I am a hundred times smarter than you will ever be, because these worlds will never believe in you." They would always think of him as a lower-class citizen.

Tui shoved her tiny form between them before the argument could escalate, grateful her pumps had purchase on the thick rug. "Gentlemen, you two are the smartest officers in the fleet. You are both capable of doing what needs to be done." She focused on shoving Brent back, "And I should not need to remind you that killing him is not an option."

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