Part 10.3 - NOT HER

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Homebound Sector, Haven System, Battleship Singularity

A horrible jarring movement accompanied the FTL jump, forcing the crew to grab onto something. The ship groaned loudly, a harsh grating noise that reminded the crew a little too much of the cascade collapse.

Admiral Gives glanced at the structural integrity chart on the wall. It was green across the board. That noise was the ship's entire structure being shoved harshly back into place by the pressures of subspace. There were gentler ways to force realignment, but he knew the ship could handle the rough way and he had been given other priorities.

"Ensign Walters," the Admiral looked to the navigator, "where are we?"

Walters wiped the beads of nervous sweat off his bald head. "Exactly where we wanted to be, sir. The Olympia is on our starboard side, Base Oceana to port."

The radar displays confirmed that where they hung around the room. "Good work, Ensign." Now, as far as the Admiral cared, this was where the hard part began. "Helm, hold position alongside the Olympia. Lieutenant Robinson, call the hangar deck and have a Warhawk prepped for launch, then radio Command and find out where General Clarke is. He and I are overdue for a conversation." And not necessarily a civil one.

The bridge crew tensed, hearing a hard edge in the Admiral's voice. They knew it was not aimed at them, but it was still imposing. While Admiral Reeter was known for being temperamental, or at least human in his emotions, that little edge in his tone was the angriest anyone had ever seen Admiral Gives get. That in itself made it terrifying.

"Lieutenant Gaffigan and Ensign Alba," the Admiral addressed them calmly, "Gather any information you need to share with Command about the attack and subsequent repairs. Meet me on the hangar deck in twenty minutes and grab Lieutenant Letts on the way." The supply officer would be able to brief Command on the resupply.

"Aye, skipper," Monty immediately dismissed himself from his station and set off for the forensics lab.

Alba similarly acknowledged the order but stayed at his console to gather the necessary information.

"Admiral," Keifer Robinson called from her station on the upper tier of the bridge, "General Clarke is in his office on Base Oceana."

"Then inform Base Oceana that I will be coming aboard." Permission to do so be damned. "And tell Admiral Reeter to be in Base Oceana's conference room at 1630 hours. That is not a request." It was an order from a superior officer, no matter how much Reeter wanted to deny it.

Lastly, the Admiral turned to Colonel Zarrey, "Walk with me."

The XO did not question it. He dropped what he was doing and followed the Admiral into the corridor. "Am I in trouble?"

"No, I have a job for you," the Admiral said.

"Dammit," Zarrey cursed, "And here I was really hoping to get fired."

"Not today."

"Tomorrow?" Zarrey asked hopefully.

"Likely not." Admiral Gives answered, well aware that the Colonel was intentionally testing his patience. It was Zarrey's way of ensuring this was not an impulsive request.

"Alright," Zarrey said, intrigued. "What do you want me to do?"

"This will not be regulation."

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