Part 1.1

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Homebound Sector, Haven System, Ariea, Valkar, Eagle's Talon

In the mountains of Valkar, the air was crisp and clean, filled with aromas of fall. The altitude allowed the sun to remain bright in Eagle's Talon, even as its daily track shifted toward the southern hemisphere. Though isolated within the planet's tallest mountain range, the city was far from quaint. It served as the military ground headquarters for the interplanetary alliance known as the Ariean Central Government, and that rendered it one of the most important settlements in all of the known worlds.

The grandeur of the military's high command building spoke enough for the wealth and power that formed the military fleet. Its large columns and the rest of the white marble that formed it were detailed in gold, symbols and core beliefs etched intricately into the stone. Housing the upper echelons of the United Countries Space Command, the people who worked there choreographed the movements of the mighty fleet that dominated the stars above.

Shoving the doors open, the civilian government's only representative in the city stepped out into the fresh air. The guards flinched at his sudden emergence, but recognized his classically cut suit. It stood out among the city's mass of uniforms. "It's madness, Vince!" He ranted into his communicator, "There's absolutely nothing wrong!" He was already stepping off the building's steps by the time his personal security guard stepped out into the afternoon sunshine. "They sent me all the way out here for no reason at all!"

"That's politics, Johnathan." His right-hand man replied.

"I know that," the Ariean Secretary of Defense readjusted his grip on the handheld device, "but just think about it, I could be at home drinking a martini and cloud-watching. Or I could have gone to visit Amelia and my grandson." This whole trip was a complete waste of his time. He'd learned nothing that he couldn't have from Capitol City with the rest of the civilian government. "I mean, I just saw my family, but it still would have been nice."

He was brought to a stop in the courtyard by his security guard. "Secretary Gives, I must protest!" She furiously waved the rest of the security detail back into place, "We haven't secured this route for you. We had planned to take the side exit to your personal transport."

The politician pulled his glass communicator away from his ear, "Corporal Cortana, you ought to know better than this by now." He never took the secured route. "I will not be intimidated by idle threats. There is no place safer than Eagle's Talon." Every citizen in the town was military, and had been trained to fight off any attack.

"Besides," he stepped past her, "taking the side exit would tell those rebellious cowards they've got a hold on me. They don't. I have no reason to fear, and neither do the people." He waved distantly to the paparazzi's cameras on the other side of the courtyard. The debate fracturing his people would never spill into violence. He refused to entertain the thought. Surely, if nothing else, the worlds had learned from the Frontier Rebellion that violence and killing would resolve nothing.

"Secretary, sir, would you be heading to your usual last stop, then?" They were already halfway there, but she would radio ahead and have it cleared. It would be safer that way. Secretary Gives had more enemies than the average politician. He was outspoken, and well, his estranged brother accounted for the rest.

"The Ariea Memorial." Secretary Gives confirmed curtly. It was always the last place he went before leaving for Capitol City. He hated having his security detail with him there, but understood the necessity as he heard Cortana dutifully radio it in. He raised his communicator back to his ear, "Vince-"

"Yeah, I'll start knocking heads here. Figure out who said what. I'll make sure you won't have to make this trip again unless it's necessary."

The Secretary nodded, still in disbelief his time had been completely wasted. "Shit, the way they were talking in Capitol City, you'd think my brother was down here stringing people up by their toenails." Every guard in his security detail involuntarily winced. "But this is the sleepiest I've ever seen Eagle's Talon."

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