Chapter Seven

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"Spectre, may I introduce Ambassador Kamenev, the Scrovengi ambassador," Brigham Clay directs Squad's attention towards an imposing-looking person, who curtly nods at Squad.

In Squad's estimation, the Scrovengi are a two-legged mix of an eagle's nobility with the toughness of a velociraptor. Ambassador Kamenev, which means Man of Stone, is halfway between six and seven feet tall, possesses a sharp, almost beak-like mouth and has several horns on either side of his armoured head. There's an easy toughness to the ambassador, a calmness suggestive of military experience.

"Hello, spectre," says Kamenev. "I hear you've seen some interesting things recently."

If Brigham Clay and Squad weren't so experienced, they might have betrayed a sense of intrusion or alarm at the ambassador's knowledge. "I see many interesting things in my line of work," Squad calmly replies.

"And you'll see many more, no doubt," the ambassador raises his glass in a toast.

"With a bit of luck and skill," says Squad, matching the gesture but feeling as if the ambassador has already moved on.

Sure enough, Kamenev addresses the emperor. "There's rumours factions of the Jiangese military are fighting each other close to our border," he bluntly states. "If the humans venture too close, this will necessitate our intervention."

"The Jade Empire is difficult to fathom. Even though I'm a fellow human and expert on geopolitics, they're still not easy for me to read, but I don't think the Jiangese would ever want to start a war with you."

"Then tell them not to," the ambassador brusquely replies, then walks off.

"Charming," Brigham Clay turns to Squad.

"They're a very ancient, and apparently bad-tempered, people," Squad smiles.

"That's the thing," Brigham Clay replies and, for the first time, there's a genuine look of concern pressed on the emperor's features. "The Scrovengi are actually a very reserved, cultured and honour-bound people, so it's strange to see examples of nationalism or aggression. If they turn their gaze outward, they could become a superpower to rival us."

Squad nods concernedly, but is distracted by Sig's conversation with the Grylex ambassador: the big, floating yellow, almost jellyfish person serenely introduces an aspect of their cuisine. "Time passes more slowly for us. This delicacy is called k'sen, but in order for it to be legitimately called k'sen it must be allowed to mature for twelve centuries."

Sig takes a bite and his face scrunches. "Wow, you can really taste those twelve centuries."

"Yes," the Grylex emotionlessly intones, then floats away.

Sig turns to Squad. "I think he just played a prank on me."

"How can you tell?" Squad asks. "The Grylex don't display emotions like most species."

"It tasted like shit," Sig explains, in the tone of a proud detective explaining how he solved a case.

Resting a hand on Squad's shoulder, Brigham Clay speaks. "Sorry, but I need to discuss some privileged information with the spectre," he tells Sig.

"Of course," Sig nods understandingly. "I'll give you two some privacy." He hides behind his hands, clearly listening to their conversation. The emperor and Squad look at each other, then quietly move away. As they're leaving, Sig still thinks they're there and reassures them. "Don't worry, you can talk about anything. I swear I won't think you guys are perverts."

They move to the other side of the room, far away from Sig, and Brigham Clay waves his daughter over. When Elizabeth joins them, he explains. "We have reports of Scrovengi forces moving south, towards their border with Jiang and any fighting could quickly spill over into a wider conflict."

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