Chapter Ten

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The large research facility used by Markowitz has seen better days: cracks run down the walls like dead lightning bolts and Squad estimates that only about half the building is in current use. It's possible the appearance is being used to deflect attention, because the facility is on the outskirts of Hellac, capital city of Hellac Arn and seat of the government of The Arnlands.

Anya, Sig and Squad have been watching the building from an apartment across the road for several hours and no one has entered or left the premises, at least from what they can tell. In his experience, Squad doesn't rule out an underground tunnel or even an entire facility under the ground.

There's tension in the air because they don't know what they're facing and it looks like they're going to have to go in to find out. Sig turns to Anya. "If Scipio's in there, what chance do we have against a trained-to-perfection super soldier?"

"I don't know," Anya answers, honestly.

Sig chuckles. "Well, thanks for the pep talk."

"If you were alone and he was here right now, would you fight him?" Anya asks.

"That's academic."

Anya laughs. "If he was an academic, you'd probably fight him."

"Yeah, and kick his ass," Sig chuckles.

"Quiet, you two. I see something," Squad warns.

A man in a long, gleaming dark blue trench coat stops in front of the research building. He seems to turn towards Squad and the others, despite their hidden position, though only for a moment. Squad catches sight of dark sunglasses, blue gloves and short, black hair, then the man turns and punches through the facility's heavy door.

Squad leaps from the window, telling the others. "Follow me as best you can." He lands, rolls and sprints, knifing through the air at full pelt. Doctor Markowitz is his best current lead on Scipio's whereabouts and Squad doesn't intend to let him escape or be killed.

It's as Squad thought: the inside of the facility is perfectly maintained, in contrast with the shoddy external appearance. There's audible fighting and Squad draws his swords, creeping along a corridor with many doors on either side. After a blast, the building's magical lights black out and Squad's path becomes much gloomier, though he can still see some details.

From one of the doorways, a strong hand grips Squad's wrist and another grabs his throat, slamming the spectre into a wall with concussive force, bringing down plaster and other materials. At first Squad thinks it's the intruder, because this man is wearing a similar outfit but his is red, not blue. After a second, Squad feels his neck starting to snap and quickly kicks out at the attacker's arm, breaking the hold on Squad's weapon arm; swinging the freed weapon at the man's head, he's astonished by the speed of the dodge and is forced on the defensive as the attacker pulls out a sword.

The sword strikes at him like a cobra and Squad jerks his head in both directions, barely avoiding the hits each time. Dropping his shoulder, Squad evades an impact in that area and quickly lashes his own blade out, striking the attacker's arm but the man spins and, using the momentum of Squad's attack, kicks the spectre in the midriff, almost doubling him over. He's on Squad in that instant but there's a blast and he's thrown forward, over his target.

Anya hit him with a magic projectile, and she's accompanied by Sig. Squad holds up a hand. "Stay back and just cover me. This one has superhuman strength and speed."

"I have superhuman enthusiasm," Sig counters. "But you don't see me bragging about it!"

"Yes, you do," Anya reminds him. "All the time."

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