There's No Door In Hell

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I opened my eyes to a dark and dull line before the Devil Desk. Hell seemed a lot more rigid than I had thought as I made my step forward.

"Have seen a lot like you, don't worry, it's just procedure", I turned my head to one of the Devils, who were both watching and keeping us in line.

"I just feel..."

"Full of hatred and anger? Because you are those feelings, dull and blurry, like a shadow, and kept in Hell. Your true self are in pure Heaven, leaving this version of yours behind"

"Name and reason of death?" - "Peter - Heart attack" a shadow answered at the Devil Desk, it was then taken into Preserving Area.

Glancing through the line, I realized some, including the bald guy in front of me, weren't shadows. They looked just like normal people.

"Those people fully belong to Hell, we call them Terrors" The nice devil once again whispered before I even asked. "They have done nasty in life and their victims' souls, full of hatred, are waiting for them"

After the procedure at The Desk, a Terror was taken to a different area, called "Vengeance". The scream he made sweetened my angry soul. Those shadows of his victims must have been hungry for his flesh.

Eventually the guy in front of me stepped to the Desk.

"Andreas -ss-suicide..."

As Andreas was taken into Vengeance Area, the shadow behind me, full of hatred and even savageness, screamed out of his lung.

"Ain't no door between you and me now, co-pilot!"

Andreas trembled in Terror as screams of over one hundred shadows behind the line also broke out.

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