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"Goodbye Sister Claire! I shall see you tomorrow!" Father Markus called out whilst locking the church doors. He had been there since 6am and with his old age the long days have been taking a toll on him. He was glad the day was nearly at and end and he could rest.

"Father..." a voice whimpered out.

"Ohh, you startled me child. Come closer, this old man doesn't see well."

A man stepped from the shadows. He was tall and unkempt and fidgeting at his jacket.

"Is there something I can help you with? I'm afraid I've just locked up, so you'd have to come back tomorrow if it is confession you seek."

"No father, not confession." The man pulled a cigarette from his jacket and Father Markus noticed his hands. The tall man was shaking uncontrollably, finding it impossible to light his cigarette.

"My poor man, you are terrified. What is it? Tell me what haunts you. "

"There's something inside me. Making me do... unspeakable things. I can't control it. I don't want to do the things it tells me."

"It speaks to you son?" Markus had heard of many cases of possession but never before seen one first hand.

"Yes. All the time, and it shows me horrible visions... such terrible things."

"Listen to me child. I will help you with this demon. You are not alone on this journey."

"No, no... it is not a demon. It is god."

"No child, God would not make you enact these terrible acts and fill your head with nightmarish visions. This sounds like a demon. Demons are master deceivers."

"He shows me the truth, the evil in humanity... such terrible things. He is not deceitful, only vengeful, and he has showed who you really are."

"Child, you do not know what you're saying." Father Markus felt scared now.

"How you could you do that? They were so young, so innocent."

Father Markus was stunned and took a step back. "No, I... I... It can't be."

The man pulled a knife from his jacket, and a tear ran down his cheek. "You see why I have to kill you, don't you?"

"No, no, please God, please forgive me for what I have done." Markus Knelt down and began to weep.

The man stared down at him. "He doesn't."

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