Chapter 6, Final Chapter

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This final chapter brought to you by the delightfully insane Poly007 Poly whose hard work wrapped this story up beautifully, let us mourn the loss of her typing fingers and pray her eye strain does not linger. Make sure you go check her out!

Betad by priya_yilong, Mumuksh, and irot9791

What is chaos theory?

What is it?

According to chaos theory, within the randomness of events, there are hidden patterns, self-similarity, and interconnectedness. At least that's what the internet says.

In simple English, there are no coincidences, no random events, no accidents. It is all actions and reactions. You do something and something else happens as a consequence.

To sum it up, everything is always intended, planned, an absolute part of the system, the chaos system.

As such that bar fight was not just any random bar fight. Those people collapsing on each other like dominoes was no accident. That poor girl with her freshly done titties and booty exposed to the drunken masses... well, that could be an accident though.

And that one punch, it was absolute deliberate. It was all Zhao Yunlan and his drunken reflexes that caused all the chaos and here he was facing the consequences of his actions.

Actions, reactions. Told you.

"He is here. Da Qing is here," Yezun whispered into Shen Wei's ear, effecting a small sinister smirk on his elder twin's face.

Zhao Yunlan was still processing his misfortune when his beloved friend's name was mentioned, he was back in his senses, somewhat panic-stricken senses, but senses.

"I have good news for you, Zhao Yunlan. We have got you a partner."

"Da Qing?" Zhao Yunlan's voice was merely a whisper.

Will Da Qing face the same fate as him? Will they take out his kidney too? Zhao Yunlan's eyebrows jumped up in fear, "Shen Wei, what are you going to do him, Shen Wei?"

A megalomaniacal chuckle from both Shen Wei and Yezun was a first for Zhao Yunlan. Was it even the Shen Wei he knew?!

"Haven't you heard that saying, two kidneys are better than one?"

Zhao Yunlan looked at Yezun, his expression a tell-tale sign of the fear instilled in him.

"Or was it head? Let me bring him in. We'll know." With that, Yezun turned around to leave.

Zhao Yunlan quickly looked at Shen Wei, who still had his impassive gaze fixated on him.

"Shen Wei... Keep Da Qing out of it. I beg you. I beg you, Shen Wei."

The plea was so loud and hearty, Yezun's departing feet stopped. He turned only to find Zhao Yunlan on his knees, incessantly bowing his head again and again.

It was not just an unusual sight, it was once-in-a-lifetime sight. No living soul has ever seen Zhao Yunlan so desperate, so defeated. And here he was, on his knees, begging, pitifully weeping.

A faint scoff escaped Yezun accompanied by an annoyed sigh from his elder twin.

"I will do whatever you say, whatever you want. You want, you can take my other kidney. Please keep Da Qing out of it, Shen Wei, please!" Tears flooded out of the corners of Zhao Yunlan's eyes, his voice hoarse in desperation.

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