Chapter Seven: The Party.

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Chapter Seven: The Party.

About an hour later I was ready to take a break. My tummy was full and I'd done enough dancing for a week in my perspective.

So I took a seat on one of the benches near the fence, swinging my feet back and forth, humming the music and watching Annie and Susan dance.

This was nice. I closed my eyes for a moment and when I opened them, spotted a group of girls with a guy in their midst passing by.

The guy was obviously drunk as he swayed with the girls, his arms around the waists of two of them.

I only realized who he was a bit too late and when he turned to look at me, I turned my face away. But he'd noticed me already.

"Violet!" Hale exclaimed over the music, waving at the girls as they left.

I wrapped my jacket around myself and got up, hoping Hale was too drunk to follow me. He wasn't.
Of course he wasn't.

"Where do you think you're going, babe?" He asked, grabbing my arm. I winced when his fingernails opened the same old wounds from before.

"I was just..." My voice cracked when my back hit the wall, Hale pressing himself against me.

My eyes darted around to the rest of the party. The lights were dim and my friends were nowhere to be seen.

"Hale let me go." I rushed out, cursing my voice for not being loud enough but my vocal chords felt like they were being pressed on.

"No...won't do that" Hale slurred, his weight practically resting on me now.
His finger trailed down the part of my chest the top didn't cover. "I actually hoped you'd look good in something like this..."

He looked at the blue jacket I had on like he wasn't sure if it was there the whole time before shaking his head and leaning down to kiss me.

I turned my head just in time so he missed and kissed my neck instead, the abject disgust I felt in that moment giving me enough strength to push him away and he stumbled back, cursing as he struggled to stay upright.

"Stop this Violet!" He snapped, coming back to pin me to the wall like he hadn't left in the first place. "You won't let me touch you, you act like I'm filthy like... like I'm some sort of disgusting... thing for days now! It's annoying..."

I was ready to just faint when his fingers crept under my skirt. They found the shorts I had on though and he looked down in confusion.

Then a sound came from right next to us. The prolonged sound of someone slurping the last of a drink out a bottle with a straw.

On a normal occasion, I hated that sound but right now it was a blessing.

"What's up, lovebirds?"

"Angelo!" I breathed but he didn't look at me. He stared at Hale before tossing the empty bottle aside.

Hale straightened up, wobbling on his feet as all the drinks he'd had were starting to catch up with him.

"You're starting to become one of my...least favorite people." Hale slurred.

Angelo's silver eyes glinted with something close to malice when he grabbed a fistful of Hale's shirt to tug him forward. "Already, cousin? I haven't even done anything yet." he said simply before shoving him back.

Hale was so drunk he stumbled back, crashed right down and stayed on the floor, passed out.

Angelo uttered an annoyed curse.

"Oh no" I groaned, running a hand over my forehead to push back stray hair as I bent down to check on him. "He fell pretty hard, what if he has a concussion or something? Franca is gonna kill us..."

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