Chapter Fifty-one: Friendly Friends.

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Chapter Fifty-one: Friendly Friends.

I didn't mean to freeze the way I did. But I couldn't help myself, some stranger just called my man, "babe". Even I hadn't gotten round to calling him that yet!

On the other hand, Angelo looked quite unimpressed.
"Forget blocking, I would literally kill you." He said.

"Is this how to talk to me after days of ignoring my calls? Huh, honey bunny?" The stranger on the other end said with such an obnoxious, high pitched voice.

I sat up with an incredulous look to mouth at Angelo, "Honey bunny?" As I grabbed my sweater and pulled it on, in case things were heading the way I hoped they weren't.

His eyes widened slightly only just seeming to grasp the situation, before talking into the phone "Dammit, Mey, do you realize what that sounded like? You're loud..."

The high pitched voice continued regardless, "Ha, a ploy to get me to stop calling you pet names? Well, guess what, baaaabe, I'm not dumb-"

Angelo sighed and hung up the call before looking at me. "Please don't mind Meyers, he's... an idiot."

I blinked twice as I did the last button on my sweater. Oh. "He's kinda good at sounding like a girl!" I chuckled nervously.

"He's had years of practice." Angelo said dryly and his phone rang again, this time when he picked the call, two voices were laughing on the other end.

"You broke the hang up rule!" They chorused. It seemed like a video call this time because Angelo was really glaring at his screen.

"I expect my full payment the moment you step into New York." One of the voices said. They seemed like...

Oh no way. The inside joke? The prank? New York? A very distressed Angie?
Were these his best friends?

I started to smile until I remembered I still didn't know if I liked them one hundred percent yet.

"You were being a nuisance right in front of Violet, of course I'd hang up." He explained, pinching the bridge of his nose in annoyance. "So what, three public declarations of love?"

"I'd have you know the price has gone up, it's now five..."

"Did'ya say Violet?" The voice with a thicker New York accent cut in and this time I smiled because I never thought I'd actually hear a person speak like that in real life. And he seemed to have a lot to say.

"Hey, why ain't ya at school? This don't look like your room, it's so purple-y, you in a woman's room? Where's your shirt?" Then a moment of calculating silence... "Damn, are you in her room...?!"

"Ohhh let me see, Noah!" The other voice called, probably Mey then. "Dude, it's my phone anyways."

Angelo sighed heavily, "Alright, we should wrap this up, you guys aren't at school either so..."

"Oh hell no!" Mey's voice cut in, "We want to finally talk to Violet! The one girl you've been going on about for years!"

"Oh." I said and shrugged at Angelo who didn't quite look like he wanted the earth to split and swallow him up, but was getting pretty close.

"I have to apologize, Letty, they're a bit much." Angelo said with a grimace, running his fingers through the front of his messy waves.

"What? It's fine, I don't mind talking to them." I smiled, "Do you?"

He shook his head, "No. Don't take them too seriously though. They might be stupid but they' know...still good."

"Awww!" Mey and Noah chorused and I nodded in understanding.

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