Chapter Sixty-three: Familiar.

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A//N: OH! MY! GOSH!! I JUST MADE A DISCOVERY!!! I WAS SCROLLING ON TIKTOK AS ONE DOES AND I SAW A VIDEO OF LUKE ESINER WHICH MADE ME REALIZE: HE LOOKS EXACTLY LIKE ANGELO!!!!! JUST LOOK AT HIM! LOOKKKKK AT HIMM!!! The only thing probably different is that Angelo has wavier hair, but that's IT! When I looked Luke up on Pinterest I literally screamed at my phone, haha! (Ps. It's okay if you imagined Angie differently.)


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Chapter Sixty-Three: Familiar

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Chapter Sixty-Three: Familiar.

Everyone was worried.

Dad was afraid I was a ticking time bomb just waiting to blow up and Mom kept trying to get me to talk to someone who could "help". My friends weren't any better, they lingered around but they all seemed to be walking on eggshells around me now ever since I snapped at Hunter for a silly joke he made during lunch one day.

Everyone in town knew I was suing the Franceses and they never stopped asking me the most outrageous questions especially since the trial was fast approaching. I just kept my head low, all I wanted was to be miserable in peace, but I couldn't even have that either.

The only good thing that happened to me was that my cast was finally taken off. But even then my skin was weird and different and I only ever wore long sleeves so I didn't have to look at it. I really couldn't have anything.

"What's this?" I asked one random afternoon after school when Annie dropped a glass bowl of something in my lap while Susan was knelt behind me on my bed, braiding my hair. They were about the only people I could tolerate at the moment.

"Yoghurt and honey." Annie said, folding a leg under her as she sat on my bed, "don't think I don't see how you struggle to swallow your food."

"I don't," I mumbled. "I just find it hard to eat huge portions nowadays."

"Right, because of Angelo." Annie said plainly, knowing it'd cause me to jump out of my skin.

"This is NOT-!" I paused and took a deep sigh, "this isn't about him. It's been ages, you'd think you guys would stop talking about him by now." I couldn't get the agitation out of my voice.

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