Chapter Thirty-four: The Return of the Jerk.

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Chapter Thirty-four: The Return of the Jerk.

Susan went all out at the Halloween party and the pictures she took were evidence of it.

"You might want to consider going into photography professionally, girl." I pointed out as the three of us huddled over the camera. "Because these shots are amazing."

"I know, I look so good in these photos." Annie put in.

"Thank you very much, my good friends," Susan said with a bit of extravagance. "I know I'm amazing."

Then she slid to the next photo which happened to be Jason McGuire kissing Annie after she was awarded the Best Costume award.

"Eeeeeeee!!!" We squealed together before bursting into giggles, drawing the attention of the other students on the school grounds.

The three of us had decided to come to school earlier than usual today so that we could catch up on what we missed during the weekend, especially since we couldn't catch up after school due to my new "job".

I sighed and leaned back on the tree we were sitting in front of.
Very soon, the sky would remain dark even in the mornings and we won't be able to sit in the fog.
"I'm really behind on chemistry and physics you guys." I confessed. "I got a B minus on the last test."

They gasped and turned to look at me.

"We can't let that happen!" Susan said, grabbing my hand. "B minuses can turn to C's"

"Or even worse than that." Annie said, "your math is fine right? Please tell me your math is fine."

I made a dismissive gesture. "Oh please, it's math. Perfect scores all the way."

Annie nodded. "Phew. We can help you study during weekends, we haven't studied together in a while."

"Even better, we can drop by the restaurant tonight! When you're free we'll just do some revision. How's that?" Susan suggested with a big grin and I exchanged a knowing look with Annie.

"That's just an excuse to see Mr. Adams, isn't it?" She asked, raising a brow.

"Oh, come on I miss him!" Susan whined, clasping her hands together.

"Jeez, Susan! I thought you were crushing on South from Gym class now!" I threw my hands up in exasperation. "Said something about how hot his name is."

"Yeah but there's always room for Mr. Jimmy right here." Susan grinned, patting her chest.

"Okay what is that?" Annie pointed and we looked just in time to see a pair of girls hurriedly disappear round the corner to the schools parking lot.

Another pair passed by us practically running. "Hurry, or you're going to miss him!" One said.

"I heard he has a sexy french accent now." The other wheezed breathlessly.

Even boys were calling their guys.
"Bro I saw the car with my own two eyes, it's millions of dollars worth." Some dude said and managed to get his buddies to run after him.

The air was suddenly buzzing.

"Who the hell...?" I asked, giving my friends a questioning look which they returned.

One moment of contemplating.

The three of us bolted off our seats, grabbing our bags.
"Let's go!"


"Right behind ya!"

We ran round the corner along with all the students who were excited to see who this amazing guy was.

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