The Interview

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Jungkook's POV:

I was sitting in my photography class pondering about the interview I'm going to have with Taehyung. I'm still a little confused why he's called V. That's odd. Oh whatever.

I wasn't paying any attention to my teacher showing us how to use a camera because I already knew the buttons and all that stuff. I made sure to look at him from time to time to assure him I was actually paying attention. I just wouldn't want him calling on me unexpectedly and I'm looking like a dumbass not knowing what part of the camera we're on. That would be embarrassing.

I glanced down at my questions I wrote down in my notebook I prepared for Taehyung.

Interview questions:

1. How/Why did you get into modeling?
2. Who or what inspired you to model? (ask this if question 1 fails)
3. When you applied for Gucci, how did you feel going into it?
4. What is your go-to pose?
5. Have you faced any hardships working at Gucci?
6. Do you feel pressured to look a certain way outside of work? If so, explain why.
7. When you're in front of the camera, how do you feel?
8. Is there something you do to prepare for work everyday? Ex: a ritual, exercise, etc.
9. Do you have any collaborations you want to do with anyone in the future?
10. When you're not modeling, what are you hobbies?

Asking my last question was gonna be the worst, most embarrassing thing to ask.

11. Can I take pictures of you? (PowerPoint presentation needs images)

I was pretty excited that I started smiling like an idiot to myself. 

 "Pull yourself together, Jungkookie," Jimin said, staring at me and nudging me.

"Why are you always in my class?" I asked him, changing the subject. "Do you just naturally skip yours because you hate your class or because you just wanna see me?" I laughed quietly, knowing the teacher would hear me.

He smiled at me and nodded his head. "My class is boring as hell and this class is fun. There's always something new and cool to learn in here. You get new equipment, fancy cameras, and fucking Gucci guest speakers! Who would've thought? Plus," he added, "I wanted to see how you'd be recovering today - but also to see if you guys were doing any photoshoots today on each other."

"I don't think we are," I replied. "We're trying to learn how to use the camera, but I already know how to use it so I'm not really paying attention." I glanced at the clock. "Hey, you better get back to class so that way you can pack up on time. You don't want your teacher to realize you're gone."

He got up and left the room, smiling and waving before leaving.

I shook my head and smirked at him.

When class was over, I briskly fled the room and headed towards my locker

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When class was over, I briskly fled the room and headed towards my locker. I opened it and stared fondly at the picture of Taehyung.

"Kim Taehyung," I swooned, glaring at the photo.

The Boy In Gucci (18+ TAEKOOK FF) BOOK 1✅Where stories live. Discover now