Not What You Think

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It was the first fissure in the columns that upheld my childhood, which every individual must destroy in order to become himself. Such fissure and rents grow together again, heal, and are forgotten. But in the most secret recesses, they continue to live and bleed.

Taehyung's POV:

The next day was torturous for me. Namjoon really had me working nonstop and standing around until my feet were hurting.

When my break finally came around, after if felt like I would never get one, I plopped myself on the couch and pulled out my phone. I scrolled through my texts and saw that Namjoon had sent me a message.

RM: when you're on ur break, get Jin and come to my office ASAP.

Great, I won't be getting a real break after all.

I texted Jin and alerted him to come to Namjoon's office with me. I had a weird feeling about this.

When we arrived to his office, we both took a seat.

"What's up?" Jin asked Namjoon.

I didn't say a word.

Namjoon directed his eyes at me and squinted. "The kid that came in here yesterday, the boy that said he had an interview with you. That's him. That's the boy."

"The kid with the camera?" Jin asked Namjoon, then turned his attention towards me. "He interviewed you yesterday?"

I was confused on how to respond. "That's right," I said to Namjoon. "He wanted to do his project on me so I let him."

"Don't fuck this up," Namjoon said to me. "You had a chance."

I know I had a chance; I just didn't take it.

"Do you understand how much fucking trouble you could get us all in?" Namjoon harshly scolded me. "Your asses are on the line," he directed at both of us, then faced me again. "Finish the job or else you-know-who will have your heads."

Jungkook's POV:

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Jungkook's POV:

"Where the hell were you last night?" Jimin asked me, taking a bite of food that was on his tray. "I texted you like 20 times!"

I smiled to myself and thought about yesterday. "I was out with Taehyung."

"The model?"

I shined my teeth at him. "Are you surprised?"

"Hell yeah I'm surprised! I'm more than surprised. Why didn't you tell me you were out with him? How did you even get home last night?"

"I didn't know you wanted me to tell you. Was I supposed to?" I asked Jimin, not thinking it was a big deal. "And...he drove me home," I said so nonchalantly.

"He drove you?! Jungkook, you can't be that stupid. You got in his car, not knowing who he really is? He could've hurt you. Who cares if he's a Gucci model? Your life matters. Don't ever do that again."

The Boy In Gucci (18+ TAEKOOK FF) BOOK 1✅Where stories live. Discover now