Chapter 3

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The more Zach thought about it, the more he figured his sticky situation was due to that fateful night about one month before Christmas. It was a Friday night and Kylie and him went out to a local bar to meet up with some friends. While they waited Zach had a few drinks. Kylie wanted to wait till their friends got there before having more to drink but that did not stop Zach. Once he was sufficiently buzzed, Kylie told him that their friends were in a minor car accident and decided to just go home instead of coming out to meet them. Kylie asked Zach if they could just go back to the apartment since it was late and she did not feel like trying to catch up to his level of drunk. He was disappointed but agreed.

Neither of them wanted to go to bed yet when they got home and Zach was hoping that they might have some more time for adult activities. Unaware of his desire, Kylie suggested they watch something on Netflix. Zach thought it would be a good idea to suggest some sappy romance movie, or something with a raunchy sex scene to get Kylie in the mood. When he asked Kylie if she wanted to watch 50 Shades of Gray, she laughed out loud and said "Um, yeah no thanks honey. Besides the fact you did not try to hide your intentions even slightly, its not a good time of the month for me to do that. So we won't be doing anything that's on that naughty mind of yours ." Zach's cheeks went bright red. The drinks at the bar made him think he was being much more slick than he was.

Kylie went to the kitchen to get something and when she returned she said "Here drink this glass of water and why don't you get ready for bed while I find something to watch." By now, he had grown accustomed to the comfortable Disney pajamas and couldn't even find his sweats even if he wanted to wear them. He also really liked how much Kylie gushed over his boyish outfits every night, it made him feel good. He returned to the living room in his Incredibles pajamas with a picture of the boy, Dash, plastered on his chest. Dash happened to be one of Zach's favorite characters.

Kylie had made him some cocoa and it appeared frothier than normal to Zach. "Oh that must just be some Marshmallow flavoring or something," Kylie responded as she dismissed his concerns. In his inebriated state, Zach didn't think much of it. He started giggling thinking about how he was drunk and wearing pajamas that a second grader would wear and how the two things didn't really go together. Kylie smiled as her boyfriend giggled and wrapped his hands around the cocoa mug.

Fitting to his pajamas, Kylie turned on the Incredibles. And not halfway into the movie, Zach was dead asleep. Kylie wasn't small. She was actually a bit bigger than Zach. She measured about 5'8" 143 lbs but she was in quite good shape. She had been on the track and field team in college as a high jumper so she had very strong legs and a tough core to help her compete. Naturally, her arm strength wasn't bad either. This turned out to be necessary for her as Zach wasn't getting up when Kylie tried to rouse him. She smiled and crouched down. She threw his arms over her shoulders and reached her two hands under his bum. Zach started to stir a bit and that's when Kylie stood up with Zach in her arms. Zach instinctively wrapped his legs around her waist and she turned toward the bedroom. She was grinning ear to ear as she carried her scrawny boyfriend to bed in his pajamas she had gotten from the "boys" section. She put Zach to bed and he drifted off to sleep.

In the morning, Zach woke up in his bed, though he did not remember how he had got there. Something else wasn't quite right. He knew he felt cold but his face and neck didn't, which was odd since those were the only parts of him not under the blankets. Zach's stomach suddenly dropped and he whipped off the covers. "Oh no!" he cried.

There was a large wet spot on his crotch extending above and below his waist, and back towards his bum and the bed. Zach's mind started to race. "How could this have happened? I haven't wet the bed since I was 7 years old! I have to try and cover this up before Kylie sees!" But it was too late, Kylie walked in and gasped. "Oh my god, Zachary! What happened?"

Zach's eyes started to well up. "I don't know, I'm so sorry," he sobbed. Kylie rushed to the side of the bed that wasn't covered in pee and pulled his head into her chest. "I decided to sleep on the couch because you were tossing and turning like you do when you drink a lot and I wanted to get a good sleep. Thank goodness I did or else I'd be soaked too," she exclaimed. This caused Zach to start sobbing even harder which prompted Kylie to say "Oh, shoot I'm sorry I didn't mean to hurt your feelings, shhh, it's OK." Zach eventually calmed down and got cleaned up and Kylie washed the sheets. They put newspaper down and put a fan by the bedside to try and air it out. Zach was humiliated the rest of the day and vowed to never drink again. 

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