Chapter 5

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"Wait, Kylie what are you doing?" Zach exclaimed. "I'm getting the protection we talked about Zach," Kylie responded. Zach felt his heart racing. "I didn't know that's what you meant, I can't wear those!" Zach cried. "Zach we talked about this," Kylie said sternly. "You have a problem and this is the solution. I will not keep waking up in a wet bed because you are having trouble."

Zach was mortified. "But I-" he started. "No buts Zachary! Here's what we'll do. If you can go 7 nights in a row without wetting, then we can rethink the protection, but you will continue to wear them so long as these problems persist. Sound fair?" Kylie said. Zach couldn't think of anything to say back. He didn't want to wear the pull-ups but couldn't think of any other solution to his problem. He reluctantly agreed, seeing no other option.

At checkout, Zach was still very much in his own thoughts and stressed about the whole situation. He didn't notice when the cashier looked at Kylie as she rang up the pull-ups and smiled. She gave Kylie a knowing wink and placed them in the bag. Zach was looking at the candy trying to get his mind off of things while this happened.

Zach couldn't get his mind off the pull-ups the whole rest of the day. He just sat watching TV and scrolling on social media, desperately looking for a distraction. After dinner, Kylie maternally reminded Zach to get ready for bed. Zach trudged off to the bathroom to brush his teeth without questioning her.

When he came out to the bedroom, he saw Kylie had laid out one of his favorite pair of pajamas that had characters from the movie Cars on them. Kylie had also placed a pull-up next to them. Zach felt a pit in his stomach again. "Do you want help changing again tonight honey?" Kylie asked. "No, I can do it myself," Zach snapped back. "Fine, come find me when you are done so I can check it is on right," Kylie responded and left the room.

Zach slowly removed his shirt, pants and socks. Standing in his underwear, he started to tear up a bit. He knew Kylie was right, he did have a problem he couldn't control. He knew she loved him very much and wanted to help him and he felt so awful that his childish act had made her feel gross. He just never thought it would come to this.

He trembled as he removed his underwear and grabbed the pull-up. It felt much softer in his hands than he expected and was mostly plain except for the blue and white stripes. There was a red stamp that said "Back" on one side. He opened it up and bent down. He lifted one foot and slipped it into on of the leg holes and then did the same on the other side. He took a deep breath and slowly slid it up his legs. He felt it encompass his waist and felt the puffiness between his legs. It was thicker than his underwear and crinkled a bit when he moved to look at himself. However, he loved how soft it felt and it fit really well, much better than he expected. The pleasant surprise of the nice feeling of the pull-up caught him off guard. He tried to shrug it off. Maybe he was just tired of wearing the tight briefs, that must be it.

He quickly pulled on his pajama pants and shirt to try and hide his newfound childish garment, somehow rationalizing in his mind that if he could not see it, it was not as bad. The pants hugged the training pant and while it was not obvious, if you were looking, you could tell Zach was padded.

Zach walked out to the living room and found Kylie sitting on the couch. She eyed him and smiled widely. "Come over here so I can check you babe," she instructed. Zach sauntered over to her unsure what she wanted. Without warning, Kylie tugged his pants down exposing his plastic undergarment. Zach exclaimed "Hey!" but Kylie just shushed him. "I need to check its on right so there are no leaks." "I am not even going to use it!" Zach exclaimed. Kylie dismissed him with a condescending "Mhmm." Zach felt her fingers slip in the legs and reposition the leak guards before she patted him on his padded bum and pulled the pants back up. Zach really felt the thickness between his legs now.

Like many nights before, Kylie put on a Disney movie and Zach quickly forgot about his babyish clothing. He stayed up for most of the movie but drifted off right towards the end. Kylie carried her little boy to the bedroom. This time though, she checked his pull-up like she had to the babies she babysat when she was younger. She chuckled thinking about the situation in general and felt he was dry. She tucked Zach into bed and kissed him on the forehead lovingly.

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