Chapter 7

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Zach got up to change out of his wet pull-up and found a new type of thickness between his legs. He waddled a bit to the bathroom and took off his clothes and the pull-up. He felt ashamed but turned on the shower to get cleaned up after Kylie suggested it. She came in after and disposed of the pull up, cleaning up after her little boy-like boyfriend.

The shower felt very nice and Zach felt relieved because he had taken a week off of work for Christmas and New Years. After the last week and the setback he had on his bedwetting progress, he needed a vacation.

Zach found more pajamas set out for him when he got out of the shower. "I figured since you were on vacation now, you'd like to just lounge about in comfy clothes," Kylie explained. Zach had to admit that was a good idea and decided to go along with it. He wasn't sure why she had gotten a pair of briefs for him, but he put them on without question and put on the PJs. He chuckled after he realized it felt strange to be in pajamas but not wearing any pull-ups. He had gotten use to them.

Zach spent the morning and early afternoon just relaxing and puttering around the apartment while Kylie wrapped gifts and got prepared for the holiday coming up in two days. Towards midafternoon, Zach felt a little sleepy and Kylie suggested he lay down for a nap. "You don't get to nap very often with that busy job of yours," she reminded him. He thought it could be nice to catch up on some sleep and went to lay down in bed.

It took a little while for Zach to fall asleep because he was thinking of last night and the bedwetting episode. He finally fell asleep and the dreams started immediately.

He was at his parents house and it was Christmas morning. Him and his siblings ran downstairs and started opening gifts like they always did. Suddenly, his mom announced that it was time to go to the bathroom. All the kids followed her to the bathroom but she turned to Zach and said "you can't come silly, you're too little." Zach was confused because he really had to go to the bathroom. Then he looked down and remembered he was in his pajamas and his pull-up just like last night! Zach decided to let loose and felt himself flooding his pull-up. He breathed sigh of relief and returned to opening gifts, content in his wet pull-up and pajamas.

Things were not so pleasant for Zach when he awoke from his nap. Zach had slept for a long time and it was dark when he woke up. Immediately, he knew something was wrong. He felt very wet and knew he had wet the bed again. He felt so confused because in his dream he was protected. But he slowly realized that while he was in his pajamas like the dream, he was wearing his briefs, not pull-ups.

Kylie found him very upset and he explained what happened with his dream. Kylie consoled him and said "luckily I planned ahead and put an absorbent mattress protector on before your nap to help with cleanup." Her preparation for his infantile problem did not make him feel much better but he was at least somewhat glad that the protector could be washed and the bed was not once again subjected to his accidents.

"Let me get you changed and cleaned up baby," Kylie said. She started to pull off his clothes before he could say anything. He was still groggy from the nap and didn't have the wherewithal to put up any resistance. She got him undressed and grabbed some wipes that Zach was unaware they had. The cool wipes on his warm, soft skin made him squirm but Kylie just pushed him back down and continued cleaning him up.

After she wiped him up, she explained the attire she was going to put back on him. "So, it's earlier than you usually get ready for bed but because you are having a pajama day, why don't we get you ready for bed now." Zach groaned but did not complain further. Kylie had put the pull-ups in his underwear drawer and got one of them out. Zach felt embarrassed that the pull-ups were becoming more normalized in his life.

She slid a pull-up up his legs and readjusted the leak guards. He let her put on a very babyish set of pajamas she recently got him that had mickey mouse on them. At least he couldn't get himself in any more trouble, he thought.

The rest of the night was mostly uneventful. They had dinner and watched some TV. He had to admit it felt strange going sitting at the dinner table and acting as if he wasn't wearing attire that little boys wore. He was very aware of the thickness between his legs as he sat on the hard kitchen chair. Kylie actually seemed in a great mood and was showing lots of affection to him and kept saying how cute she thought he was.

At one point he had to pee. He went into the bathroom and pulled down his pajama pants. Then he felt confused for a moment. He was wearing a pull-up but wanted to use the bathroom. Was he allowed to use the bathroom, or was he too little like his mom said? He snapped to just before he started peeing in his pull-ups and shook his head clear. Why would he think that? He pulled his pull-up down and sat on the toilet like a boy who was potty training. He peed in the toilet and put his pajamas and pull-up back on. He tried to brush off the event and enjoy the attention Kylie was giving him.

The next morning, Zach woke up as Kylie was entering the room. "I made a big breakfast for you!" she proclaimed. She bent over to check his pull-up and he waited earnestly for the result. He groaned when she announced he was wet yet again. "Let's go have some breakfast then I'll get my soggy boy changed." Zach began to protest but it proved futile as Kylie grabbed his hand and pulled him into the kitchen.

He grimaced as she sat him in the chair and he felt the pull-up squish from the soaking he did overnight. Kylie was humming as she brought eggs and sausage to his plate. "Can I have some silverware, please?" Zach asked. "Aw thank you for asking nicely sweetie," Kylie responded. Why was she treating him like a little kid? She brought over a fork and knife but before setting it down she began to cut up his sausage.

Zach was confused but stuck to his manners and thanked her. She tussled his hair and said "you're welcome, cutie. Now eat up honey." Here he was, sitting in mickey mouse pajamas, a wet pull-up and having his food cut up for him. What a strange turn of events for him, he thought. 

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