Chapter 10

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Zach and Kylie had a lovely Christmas Eve night. Zach was all bundled up in his footed sleeper and pull-up. They watched Frozen and other Christmas movies they both loved. Kylie made her famous hot chocolate, and they cuddled on the couch. Zach forgot all about his juvenile state and had lots of fun. Towards the end of the night, Kylie announced she was taking a shower so she could prep her hair overnight.

Zach checked her phone as she entered the bathroom and heard her run the shower. Kylie loved to listen to music in the shower and he heard her put on her favorite playlist. He rolled his eyes, girls always took so long in the shower. He then blushed as he remembered his longer bathing experience this morning.

Suddenly, he felt the need to pee. He hadn't gone in a long time because he was trying to save it up before going to sleep to avoid wetting the bed yet again. Plus, that cocoa had caught up to him quickly. He quickly walked to the bathroom door but found it locked. He pounded on the door but all he heard was Kylie singing along to her music.

Usually, he was able to hold if for a long time, but since he already had been ignoring it for a bit, the urge was dire now. He was getting very nervous. They only had one bathroom and even though he was wearing his nighttime protection, he had no intention of using it if he could help it. He knew the neighbors were gone to visit family and even if they weren't, did he really want anyone seeing him like this? He could maybe try to go outside but it was snowing and he'd have to take off the whole sleeper to get his pull-up off. He didn't think being naked in the snow peeing outside for anyone to see was a good idea. He was at a loss.

Finally, an idea came to him. He would just wet his pull-up a little to relieve some pressure. He could explain that to Kylie and even though it was babyish act to wet a pull-up, at least he would be in control of it and maintain some air of maturity. Plus, he didn't have much of choice at this point.

Zach stood in the center of the bedroom and closed his eyes. He began to push but nothing came. He felt the need to go to the bathroom but something felt wrong to him. Like all of his previous training had told him this was bad. Zach tried relaxing himself so he could pee a little. He pictured a waterfall in his mind. He focused on the gushing water and decided to give one big final push.

After a brief pause, Zach felt some begin to trickle out. His trick worked! He was peeing in his pull-up just as planned! The trickle turned into a solid stream. Zach figured he'd let it go for a moment and then stop so he could salvage some dignity and explain the situation to Kylie. He even though it was a little fun doing something he knew he shouldn't, something a little naughty.

But the stream turned into a waterfall of its own. Now Zach tried to stop it but found it impossible. He had let it go too far and now he was wetting out of his control! His plan had failed and the result was that he felt a warmth in his groin area, growing warmer by the second. He felt the training pants swell in between his legs. And although it was the goal of his original plan, the relief he felt was shortly replaced by pure embarrassment. He had well and truly had an accident, just like a real baby. He thought he looked like a toddler in his pajamas, but now that he had used his underpants for their intended purpose, he felt like one too.

Zach didn't know what to do so he just sat down on the bed and put his head in his hands. The squish of the disposable diaper pant as he sat only reminded him of his position further. He shed a few tears waiting for Kylie to come and take care of him.

When Kylie finally emerged from the bathroom, she initially was amused, thinking her boy was waiting patiently to see her. Then, she noticed he was crying when he looked up at her. She rushed over to him. "What's wrong, baby?" Zach tried to speak in between his hiccups from crying so much. "The bathroom couldn't hear...I thought it was only a all came out in the pull-up at once!" Kylie pieced together what happened and said "Aww, you couldn't make it to the toilet? That's ok sweetie, good thing you had your protection, huh? That's why little guys like you have to wear them, its ok shhh" she cooed at Zach.

Zach was going to try and correct her to explain how he really was doing the mature thing and that it just went wrong, but every time he spoke he just couldn't get out the right words. His heart sank as he realized that Kylie just thought he was a pants wetter who needed his pull-ups, and maybe she was right, he thought.

Kylie began their new-normal routine. She unbuttoned his collar and began to zip off his footed pajamas. Zach wished he could hide from his shame as she revealed his sopping wet pull-up. Kylie laid Zach back and ripped the sides of his pull-up. With the sodden underwear still under him as if it was a real diaper, she began to wipe him off with some baby wipes. She pulled the pull-up out from under him and wrapped it up. She cleaned the rest of him up and grabbed a new one from his drawer.

Grabbing his legs, she slid the new, dry pull-up over his feet and up his legs. After some tweaking on the newly placed pull-up, she announced "all clean!" much to Zach's chagrin. The pajamas were placed over his feet and zipped back up. A resounding "click" was heard as the button was put in its place, signaling the end of the embarrassing change for little Zach.

"I think it's time we get you to bed huh little one?" Kylie said. Zach didn't have the energy to formulate his own thoughts. Whatever Kylie said was best, he concluded. He thought briefly maybe he should try peeing, in a toilet this time, before bed, but before he could come to a decision, he felt himself being lifted into Kylie's arms. She walked a few steps to the head of the bed with her boy in her arms and laid him down, placing the blankets over him in one fell swoop. Zach dispatched of his desire to pee. He was safe in his "protection" anyways. He was too tired to try and be grown up. It was kind of nice to be little again, he thought.

Kylie got in on the other side of the bed and kissed his cheek tenderly as he lay on his side. She turned off the lights and wrapped her arms around him. Zach's episode and crying had worn him out greatly. He had no idea how so much had changed in just a few short months. He was looking for girlfriend and now he found himself in footie pajamas, a fresh pull-up, and being cuddled to sleep by his mommy. Wait it's Kylie, not mommy, right? Oh who cares, he thought. Mommy had taken care of him and he was safe, that's all he knew. Maybe tomorrow he'll start retraining and get back to being a big boy. And that's all he thought as he drifted off to sleep.

Merry Christmas Zach.

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