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Kate climbed into the back of the van, helping Eddie with the new patient.

There was a call about a man who set off a grenade, luckily there was no lethal damaged due the age of the thing, there was damage to his leg but nothing that couldn't be fixed by a doctor.

This definitely topped the blown up man for Kate.

"This country Amazes me" Kate remarked, continuing to hold pressure to the wound.

"How so?" Eddie asked

"Back home, guns aren't legal. The guards don't even get them, not unless it's seriously needed and here you can just clean grenades" she explained, amazement in her tone

"sorry, police" she corrected

"I figured" eddie nodded with a small grin "it doesn't bother you?"

"Kinda" she shrugged, "you know, when it comes to kids getting shot in school because someone was mad but my opinion won't change anything."

Kate looked back at the man  "We also dial 999, so don't collapse around me because it might take two times to call the right number" she joked

"That's reassuring" Charlie grunted

"Don't worry sir, you already did the hard part for me. The rest is easy sailing" she reassured

"Where you from?" He asked

"Ireland" she replied

The door opened, Kate glanced towards it and seen Evan get in. His hostility had only gotten stronger since yesterday, she wasn't sure what his issue was with them but she wouldn't let it effect her job.

"What brought you here?" Charlie asked

"Now why do you assume something drove me here?" She asked humorously.

"No one moves that far away from home without a reason" he replied, still grunting quietly

He was right, no one moves this far just because they want to. She didn't move this far just because she wanted to.

"I wanted better things, I wanted bigger" she answered his question.

"I guess you've seen a lot of shrapnel wounds." Buckley spoke, starting what would be a riveting conversation.

"My share." Eddie nodded

"You ever seen a guy with a length of rebar stuck through his skull?" Buckley asked, as if it were some competition .

"What are we measuring here, Buck?" Eddie asked

"You know... one time back home there was a paper factory set on fire. Kinda hard to put out the flame can feast from within" she made a joke, trying to diffuse the tension.

Charlie let out a few groans, Kate felt the damp blood leaking through the dressings "I need to change these, they are leaking through" she spoke up,

Buckley handed her some fresh dressings as she peeled back the old one.

"Hang in there, Charlie. Almost there." Eddie reassured the old man.

"I'm just saying, working the streets of L.A. is not exactly stress free. May not be the same kind of pressure you have in a war zone, but..."

"Kate hold on!" Eddie stopped her urgently.

"I thought you said this was a practice round.?" Eddie asked Charlie

"It is."

"Uh, what-what-what's going on?" Buck asked,

"You see that cap? Practice rounds have blue caps. Gold caps are live."

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