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Kate applied a coat of lipgloss, she smacked her lips together and fixed her dress

"Will you stop panicking, take it from a guys perspective you look great" Eddie spoke in her ear, her phone rested on the bed, her earphones tugging it further to her.

"How did even know, you can't see me" she argued

"Hey, I'm just instilling confidence"

Kate sighed "it's not like it even a date, why would it be one. He doesn't like me and I-.." she paused "well I don't really know"

"You'll be fine, now stop freaking out over nothing"

"Alright I better go, I'll talk to you later"

Kate ended the call, she gave one last look in the mirror before leaving her room. It wasn't a date, it wasn't a date she repeated in her head, he was taking her out to try broaden her horizon. He was trying to set her up with some stranger at bar, not take her out

Buck looked up from his phone, his brows raised at the sight in front of him "wow, you look amazing"

Kate blushed "thanks, I haven't been out in ages I wanted to dress up, but I feel a bit overdressed"

"No, no you look.. you look Beautiful"

Kate gave a laugh "okay Buck, anyone would think you'd like me"

"Oh ha ha" he mocked


Kate followed Buck and chimney into the bar, chimney found a table rather quickly. Kate hadn't been out in a while and the smell of the bar alone made her reconsider joining the two.

"The world looks so different now that I'm single again. "

"Buck, you've been single for months." Chimney commented.

"Yeah, only circumstantially. I know Abby's been gone for a while, but, in my head, we've been together this whole time. But now I'm out of her place. I'm just... I'm nervous, you know?"

"Are you afraid to get back on the horse?" Chimney asked

He shrugged "I don't want to revert back to being Buck 1.0. I-I know I'm single Buck again, but I want to be single Buck 2.0." He explained

"Like, if I'd come in here with Abby, I would never have noticed that blonde over there, licking the salted rim of her margarita glass while she maintains strong, intimate eye contact." He described, staring over at the flirting lady.

Kate ignored the feeling of jealousy that had grown quickly, she didn't like feeling like this, like a girl with a school crush. But Buck.. he made her feel something she hadn't felt in a long time, he sparked that feeling again and she was finding it impossible to forget.

𝙁𝙡𝘼𝙈𝙀 // 𝙀𝙑𝘼𝙉 𝘽𝙐𝘾𝙆𝙇𝙀𝙔 Where stories live. Discover now