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Three months had gone by, Kate and buck were still happier than ever and has still managed to keep it from everyone else.

It wasn't that they didn't want their team to know, it was more enjoying it before they all found out, but it was becoming a lot more difficult. Especially with glass windows everywhere.

"Hey" Evan gently shook Kate,

"Mm, did I fall asleep"

"Yeah, you looked very cute"

Kate smiled, "I guess I'm just tired from sneaking around all day"

"Mm, me too" he nodded, he leaned down and kissed her softly "it's a good thing we are home"

Kate blushed, "what time is it?"

Kate glanced at her phone, she noticed the date. Her breathe was cut short. How could she have
forgotten what kind of mother forgets... forgets the day of her sons death.

Bucks face fell into concern, "hey you okay?" He asked,

Kate blinked, "just feel a little funny"

Buck frowned "do you know what's wrong or do you just feel off?"

"I just don't feel good, I think I'm coming down with something" she lied

"Oh, well I have to go to maddies. I can stay if you want"

"No, no I'm okay. I'm just gonna take some medicine and go to bed"

Buck gave an unsure nod, he planted a kiss on her forehead and stood up "if you need anything call okay. I should only be about an hour, she's gone on her date with chim"

Kate nodded, once she knew buck was gone. She walked to her room, hiding under her covers.


Kate walked into the small cafe nervously, she kept rethinking everything in her head. Did she look okay, smell okay, did she wear the right thing, did she pick the right place. Any thoughts that could have swarmed her did.

She found where Adam sat, she walked over and sat across from him "hi"

"You look great today, I don't think I've ever seen you out of the school uniform" he joked

Kate laughed nervously, "I hate that thing so much, really does nothing for me"

"I think you'd look good in anything" he complimented

Kates cheeks began to  burn with a blush, luckily a woman came and placed two coffees down with a sticky toffee muffins.

Kate looked at Adam confused "you know my order?"

"I might have asked Molly, she said you could never finish one of these yourself so I thought we could share"

Kate felt her heart swoon at the statement, she couldn't believe he called her best friend Just so he could get things right "that's the nicest thing Someone's ever done for me"

He smiled softly "Well everyday for the better part of a year I've been sitting in that clas thinking about how I'd ask you out, so when you did I knew I wanted to make it perfect"

"Maybe this is why are failing maths" Kate joked, sipping on the hot coffee

Adam chuckled "yeah that would make sense"

𝙁𝙡𝘼𝙈𝙀 // 𝙀𝙑𝘼𝙉 𝘽𝙐𝘾𝙆𝙇𝙀𝙔 Where stories live. Discover now