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Kate dropped onto her couch after a long few day Of false bomb threats and people obsessed with cars, a tired sigh escaped her lips and her eyes threatened to close.!

"You tired?" Buck asked, he sat down next to her and handed her a cup of tea which he had gotten better at making.

Usually it would be wine but with the bomb threat, she wanted to stay sober in case of an emergency.

"Very much" she nodded "all these false threats, they are making me so unbelievably anxious"

"You know I forget sometimes that you aren't from here"

Kate cracked a smile "what the accent doesn't do it anymore?"

Buck gave a short laugh "no, I just meant.. it feels like you've always been here. Like it's been years rather than just a year"

"It's okay Buck, I'm already your girlfriend" Kate patted his knee

He rolled his eyes "You know those first few days when you joined, I wasn't sure why I was mad about you being there. I still don't, but after the guy with a grenade in his leg, seeing you with him talking about his wife and distracting him, I realized how much of an ass I was being and after the earthquake, everything changed. I seen how strong you were and i think that's when I started liking you but just couldn't admit it"

Kates blue eyes softened, her heart swooned as Buck serenaded her in words "it was the night you came over with pizza and wine, you were the first person I told about Adam, opening up to someone made me feel so much better and knowing it was you.. well it made it feel better. This is what I fell for, the way you can talk for 5 minutes and listen to me that for 30."

"I like when you open up,  makes me worry less" he admitted

Kate instantly felt swarmed with guilt, there was a-lot she didn't tell him, she paid  for her ex fiancés rehab and she talked to him just to cut him off  "maybe you won't like what I'm about to say next"

His face fell to worry, his brow knitted closely as his mind wondered through a thousand thoughts

"I paid for Adams rehab, and two weeks ago I talked to him about how I felt and I had to move on from that part of my life"

Buck felt rage bubble up from inside of him, he wasn't mad about the conversation they had but he was mad that she paid his rehab bill "you paid his bill?" He asked

"Yes, but only because I needed him to stop calling and texting and -..

"You could have blocked him" Buck interrupted

"Well I tried that but-.."

"God, why would you?" He asked, his tone slowly changing.

Kate gave him a narrowed look "because I chose to, because it's my money and I only told you to be honest. I wasn't asking permission or apologizing"

𝙁𝙡𝘼𝙈𝙀 // 𝙀𝙑𝘼𝙉 𝘽𝙐𝘾𝙆𝙇𝙀𝙔 Where stories live. Discover now