Chapter One

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"Okay, I hate you right now" I said to my best friend of 20 years, Mandy, with a glare.

" You know I hate blind dates!" I complained. I've been whining like a baby for the past.........uh...... 20 minutes and I haven't stopped since.

"Oh don't be such a baby and and hurry up!" See? I stand corrected. Like a baby. "I promise you it's gonna be totally worth it! The guy's totally drool-worthy and freaking rich! His physique is one hundred percent panty-incinerators!" She gushed. Jeez, it sounds like she's the one who wants to date the guy.

Okay, that's so not true. My boss' face is drool worthy and everything about him is panty-incinerators. So what if I'm infatuated with my boss. Sue me.

She went to my closet and rummaged through my clothes.

"If you're so hung up on the guy, why don't YOU date him?" I seethed.

"Because......... I already have a boyfriend, remember?" She raised an eyebrow at me and turned back to rummaging in my closet. My closet was practically  made up of work clothes, comfort clothes, lingeries, etc.

"Yeah, yeah Edward freaking what'shisface" I muttered.

"Look, you're such a workaholic that you never have time for yourself! Gosh! You're 25 for Christ's sake! You should be out there dating, relaxing, heck, maybe even start a family for all I care!" She exclaimed.

"Okay, first off, I wouldn't be living in this freaking beautiful apartment if I didn't work. Second, I can't just take off in my job and live like life is perfect because it's not and thirdly, my boss is a very chaotic guy who can trash two freaking offices just to find a file that was clearly in his drawer and didn't bother calling someone to have it cleaned." After I finished my ranting, I was gasping for breath. Mandy was laughing like crazy at the third part and I couldn't help but join in.

"I guess your seemingly perfect boss isn't perfect after all" she said wiping her eyes from the tears.

"You can say that again" I stood up from my bed and stretched.

"Oh my gosh! This is it! You have to wear this" she held out a black dress that flowed from the waste till the bottom with thin lace covering the entire black fabric of the dress.

"At least it doesn't look like a hooker's outfit" I shrugged and took it before walking towards my bathroom.

I walked out of my bathroom and did a little twirl for her. She nodded her head in appreciation and patted the chair in front of my vanity.

"Let's get this over with" I murmured.


"I need to change that chair" I grumbled, rubbing my butt. Mandy laughed and shook her head.

"Come on it's almost eight. Put this on" she handed me a pair of stilettos and I quickly put them on. I rummaged for my eyeglasses and looked in my mirror and smiled.

The two hours of sitting in a chair was totally worth it. My hair was up in a bun with a few loose strands framing my face. I had the smoky eyeshadow and red ruby lipstick. This is probably the first time I looked daring and bold.

I went through my bag and pulled out the necessities I was going to bring and put it in my red purse. Something I borrowed from Mandy.

"Oh heck no! You are not wearing that!" I heard Mandy's booming voice before stomping over to me and taking my eyeglasses off.

"Hey! How am I supposed to see the guy if I don't have my eyeglasses!" I complained.

"What do you think contacts are for? Huh?" I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms over my chest.

"I am not wearing contacts" Contacts made me slightly feel weird because I spent my entire life wearing glasses that I wasn't used to anything else.

"Oh yes you are! Just this once, Amber, I promise you won't have to wear contacts after this" She was giving me my weakness. The puppy dog look.

I groaned and sighed.

"Fine but just this once" I pointed my finger at here and she nodded. Quite enthusiastically. I rolled my eyes and went towards the mirror to put them on.

"I thought you'd pick some blue contacts or something" I said.

"And let him miss the beautiful color of your hazel-like eyes? I think not." She scoffed and crossed her arms.

I laughed and shrugged my shoulders, " My eyes aren't that pretty"

"It is! Why won't you believe me?" She pouted and I laughed even more. Mandy has the tendency to act immature sometimes and it always brought a smile on my lips.

"You know what? Let's just forget about it and you need to hurry that ass up because he'll be here any minute now!" She waved her hand and handed me my coat.

The sound of the doorbell made me jump and I looked at the clock. It was exactly 8 o'clock. Great, the guy's a time freak.

"He's being a time freak again" It was as if Mandy could read my mind and I couldn't agree more.

"Is he always like this?" I pointed my thumb towards the door and she nodded.

There seems to be a similarity with this mystery guy and my boss. Okay, I have got to stop thinking about my boss! This is madness!

I walked towards the door and breathed in deeply and exhaled loudly. Mandy was looking at me with an expectant look and urged myself to open door.

What awaited me was something I was not expecting at all.

Holy hell.


Okay, so I edited this one. It's not that much but whatever... I'm thinking of another story but I'm still not so sure. I need to do a little bit of research first. 


Blind Dates and a BossNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ