Chapter 10

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"I still can't believe he bought you a house when he had a mansion. A mansion!" Mandy grumbled. I laughed at her, amused.

"I think it was romantic. I mean, his mansion is nice but it's kinda too big for me and you know I don't like to appear too flashy or snobby to other people because I have a mansion and I'm marrying one of America's richest men" I crossed my arms and frowned.

Mandy was looking at me funny and my frowned deepened.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" I asked. She just shook her head at me smiled.

"Only you would think like that and I'm very lucky to call you my best friend. And now, soon-to-be-sister-in-law!" She cried out, blinking back tears.

I was also in the brink of tears. Being pregnant means I get too emotional and it's kind of biting me on my behind. I gave a throaty laugh and wiped away a few stray tears.

"I hate being so emotional like this" Mandy nodded in agreement and drank her orange in one gulp.

We were currently sitting on our backyard having a picnic. It was one of those days that we get to chill out and just have girl time like we used to. I still can't believe that Mandy and I were lucky enough to be engaged to very loving and caring men, who we knew would take care of us and love us like there was no tomorrow. We already planned the a double wedding with Edward and Mandy and they agreed. Edward was relieved he'd have someone to help him with his vow. He's been going frantic about it when he still had seven months to write it. Mandy and I would never go on our wedding looking like a bunch of whales. We were going to wait until the babies were born.

As for now, we were still enjoying the joys of having a sort of flat stomach, if you could call it that.

For the past months, my life had completely changed like some cliche love story of course it still surprises me that out of all the women in the world, Ethan chose me.

I guess you could say that fate had plans for me and if this is my fate, I would welcome it with open arms. Everything seems to be perfect and I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world.

"Mind if we join you, ladies?" Edward's unmistakable voice said from behind us and we both smiled as we saw the love of our lives, looking breathtakingly handsome as ever.

Still in their suits, they sat beside us and Ethan wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Hey, beautiful" He greeted and gave me a peck on the lips, leaving me wanting more.

"Hey" I pulled back. His hand caressed my stomach and I smiled, knowing he can't wait for our baby to introduce him or herself to the world.

That simple gesture was enough to make me feel a whole lot more better at this pregnancy. Yes, I was scared but with him around, I new I could do it.

7 months later

"IF THIS KID DOESN'T COME OUT, I'M GOING TO TEAR YOUR EYES OUT FOR DOING THIS TO ME!!!" Mandy was having labor and she was yelling at everyone and everything she could see. Her main target right now was poor fianće who was looking pale. Ethan was laughing and recording the whole thing on his phone. I couldn't help but join in because I knew I couldn't stop Ethan from taking a video of this.

"Dude, put that down and help me here! She's breaking my hand!" Edward moaned in pain just as Mandy screamed in pain.

"She is right here, you moron!" Mandy grumbled before whimpering in pain again.

Only Ethan and me would find this moment ridiculous. I then felt a sudden wetness pool down my legs and I freeze. I tug at Ethan's shirt roughly.

"What is it?' HE asked. I looked down at my legs and said, "The baby"

That was all it took for Ethan to scoop me up in his arms and carry me outside.

"My fianće is giving birth!" He shouted. A bunch of nurses caught up to us and lead me to a room a few doors from Mandy's.

Hours later, I could hear Mandy's shrill scream as she gave birth which was soon followed by my scream.

Oh joy.


Yeah, yeah, I know it's a filler but I have school next week which means reviewing time for my past lessons. I might not be able to update until saturday or sunday.

buh bye!!!


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