Chapter 8

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Hey! Two updates in a row! I bet you hate me! hahaha. Song on the side is Night Vision by Lindsey Stirling.

Six Months Later

You get that feeling when everything feels perfect and you think nothing's going to take it away from you? Well, that's how I feel right now. For over seven months, Ethan and I have been strong. We had fights, yes, but we always made it through. Believe me, most of our fights were about jealousy. I'd get jelly sometimes when girls flock around Ethan like some meat and he's just the same too, only he's the get-jealous-so-punch-the-guy type. While I onthe other hand, use words that could sting like a freaking bee. Not really.

We'd get mad at each other and my excuse would always be, "Why do you have to be so god damn hot?!" And he'd yell back, "Why do you have to be so god damn gorgeous?!" And then he'd grab me by the arm and kiss me like crazy. I know, it's crazy. We're crazy. What kind of couple fights over that? But the make ups are always worth it. If you get what I mean.

And now, still strong and still as crazy as ever, is our six monthsary and I literally can't wait to see what Ethan had planned. You see, we have a sort of tradition that we get to take turns in planning our monthsary because I really don't get the concept of why the guy has to plan the monthsary. We fought over that and I won. So our first monthsary was planned by me and the next him and so on and so forth.

Our lives were never a dull moment.

I put on my diamond earrings that he gave me on our first monthsary along with the necklace and bracelet. I put on my red velvet dress that flowed from the waist line and the silvery white stilletos and the white purse. All of which were gifts from Ethan. I wanted this night to be special because I had a special surprise for him and I couldn't wait to see the look on his face when he hears about it.

I heard the door bell ring and rushed down our house. I moved in to Ethan's mansion on our third month together. Same goes to Mandy. Parker siblings and their possessiveness I tell you. Good thing Mandy was already getting married to Edward. They've been engaged for a month now. It was a funny proposal really. Mandy was the one who suggested getting married and Edward being Edward just said, 'Alright, we'll buy a ring tomorrow' That was it. No questions asked. They were both the direct-to-the-point type so their engagement wasn't really that awkward. It earned them a good laugh.

I opened the door and Joe the driver smiled at me pleasantly. He was a good man, unfortunately, his wife died before they could even concieve so he was left alone. He thought he could never love again. But I say otherwise. My mother seemed to have grown close to him. Even Ethan noticed. So I set out to play matchmaker and they seemed to have grown even closer. They're now dating actually and though Ethan and I wanted him to retire from his work, he says when the time comes, he'll retire.

"Hey Joe! You and my mother talked lately?" I asked.

"Yes, we just talked last night. She's very eager to come visit you, you know" He opened the door for me and I walked in while he got to the driver's seat and started the car.

"I am too. I just don't get why she won't call me! I mean, I'm her daughter yet she calls you to ask about me!" I pouted. He just laughed merrily and grinned at me. I now knew something was up. Ethan, Maddy, Edward, Mom, Joe, everyone I knew was acting strange for the past couple of days and I couldn't understand why. I just shrugged the thought away. For now.

Joe and I kept small talk the rest of the way while I watched out the window. I soon remembered the familiar road as to where we were going and with only a few minutes left of our journey, we finally stopped. I couldn't help but chuckle at the place. There it stood. The very place where we first had our date. Yes, it was the Italian restaurant.

I smiled as I took in the scene before me. I still remember the ambience of this place. The soft music playing in the background and the magnificent view of the city around us.

Joe pushed the door open for me and I nod my head in thanks. A woman probably in her thirties smiled at me and led me towards the stairs.

"It's on the second floor?" I asked.

"Yes, ma'am. It was reserved by your boyfriend" She said.

"Wait. Reserved as in a table? Or...." I trailed off, unsure.

"The entire floor, Miss" She smiled.

"Oh wow! He really went all out this time!" I was totally shocked. This was even better than our last anniversaries! What's he up to?

She opened the doors and I thanked her. Everything was pitch black in here. A single light was cast on none other than Ethan.

"Ethan. What's with the lights?" I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. I walked towards him until we were chin to face. I looked up at him, confused. He held my hand and looked straight into my eyes.

"Amber, I want this monthsary to be special. Something you'll never forget for the rest of your life. I know seven months in our relationship isn't exactly long. But I've known you ever since you worked for me so I guess that counts." I laughed, "I've loved you the moment I laid eyes on you. I just didn't know it. Being with you is the best thing that's ever happened to me. As clićhe as that sounds. The time we spent together was the best time of my life, I could never forget all those memories. The good and the bad. I would forever be grateful if you would grant me this one wish," I raised my eyebrows and nearly cried in joy when he kneeled on one knee and took out a small black box.

"Amber Genievive Smith, would do me the honor of being my wife and make me the happiest man alive?" He opened the box where a ring was inside. A silver single diamond flower ring. It was absolutely beautiful.

My hands went to my mouth as I nearly choked on a sob. Traitor tears were falling down my eyes. I nodded. It was probably the only thing I could do.

"Yes!" Oh wait, I could speak? His smile was the biggest I have ever seen on him. He put the ring on my finger and lifted me up as he kissed me with all he had.

"Yes!!!Finally!!" Mandy's voice sounded around us. I looked around frantically just in time when everyone said, "CONGRATULATIONS"

"Everyone's here?" I asked Ethan as he put me down.

"Yes, everyone's here. I asked them to come. I didn't want to travel just to let them know" He teased.

"Oi! Ethan! Let me hug my daughter!" My mother walked towards me with Joe, both smiling at me.

"Mom!" I hugged her as tight as I could.

"My baby is getting married! Ooooh! Have you thought up a date yet? What about your dress?" She asked.

"Let her breathe Michelle. She and Ethan will think about that later. Let's just enjoy dinner!" Mandy appeared out of nowhere and joined in on our conversation.

"Mandy!" I hugged her and we squealed like little school girls.

"I have some news!" She squealed.

"I have too!" I whispered to her my news and she squealed like crazy, jumping up and down. She whispered to me her news as well. We were both ecstatic.

Before desert was served, I looked across Mandy and nodded my head. She got up and tapped her glass with her fork.

"Alright everyone! I'd like to make an announcement. If my dearest best friend would please join me because I am scared shitless" Everyone chuckled. I stood up and smiled at everyone.

"We have good news though I don't know how you'll all take it so....." I trailed off and looked at Mandy.

"We're both pregnant!" We said in unison.

Hello! Hi! How ya doing? Mandy and Amber are pregnant! Like it? Hate it? Love it?

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That's all. Buh-byeii!!!

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