6. I'm back baby!!!

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Alpha Ella 

After being dragged back to the house against my will my mate left me in the kitchen, angry and ready to snap at anything that moved. That thing turned out to by the cook. She was nice and all but my mood caused me too look at everyone as my enemy. 

When the cook came out she was extremely nice and asked what I would like to eat. My sarcastic ass said. "Your Alpha will do." The cook stifled a laugh and looked at me like I was insane. I probably was. 

"What the hell are you laughing at?" I snap rudely. 

"You." The cook said bluntly. I sprang from the seat I sat in and went for the girls throat. The cook  sidestepped me and shook her head. "Pitiful your our Alpha's mate. You can't even keep your temper in check." *She said, walking back into the kitchen area, to cook whatever she was cooking. 

I went white, and sat back down as I realized the cook was right. I wasn't acting like a Luna let alone like the Alpha I was. I was going to figure this out like a normal calm person. The Alpha was clearly mistaken about me being his mate and I would show him that. Yes, a plan was forming in my mind. I smiled. 

The cook completely comfortable with me served bacon and eggs. No longer caring whether or not she crossed any lines, spoke freely around me. Not treating me to my title. And surprisingly I didn't mind. 

The cooks name was Ana and she was a petite, blond girl who was about 5'3" and looked as if she could be taken out by wind. Though she made it clear she was one of the best fighters in the pack. (Secretly of course, since the pack didn't allow women to be anything but homemakers.) She was mated to a warrior in the pack that was young but high in the ranks. Ana earned money working as a cook at the pack house and took care of her little girl at home. Marie was 2. 

"Do you like it here?" I asked, after finishing off the third cup of coffee. We had been chatting for about and hour. 

"Yeah it's really nice here. I don't like being classified as you know a "homemaker" but it's ok. I have a mate who loves me. A pack to protect me." Ana shrugged, "Life is pretty good." 

I smiled, "I wish I could have that outlook." I say. 

"What do you mean?" 

"Well my life seems to have turned to shit." 

Ana frowned and put a hand on my shoulder. "Spill." 

With a sigh I do. I tell Ana about my last mate, about Lukas, and about how this new "mate" of mine has caused considerable grief I did not need. 

"I see." A voice from behind us deadpanned. I shiver went up my spine as I turned and found my mate standing in the doorway. He had heard everything and his heart was broken. 

"Xavier... Alpha..." Ana began, rising. 

Xavier held up a hand and silenced Ana, before turning to me. "Let's go." He said, gripping my arm and practically dragging me out the door. 

"What the hell? Where are you taking me?" I asked, struggling against my mates grip... who's name was Xavier. I liked the sound of that name... I wanted to say it so badly just to hear how it sounded rolling off my tongue. 

"Xavier!" I said, saying it did something to him and me, mostly him gripping me harder on the arm and me gaining a bruise. "Ow.. your hurting me!" I say as I get thrown into the passenger seat. Xavier then proceeded to take the wheel and drive. 

"Where the hell we going?" I ask. 

I was met with silence. 

Close to an hour and a half later I heard someone open the car door and pick me up. That's when I realized I had fallen asleep. The I heard Lukas. "Ella!" He yelled coming toward me. Then suddenly I was dropped by the person carrying me, harshly dropped. Xavier looked down at me then at Lukas. 

"Here." He said, stone cold.

Lukas in response growled, "You dropped her you son of a b*tch" 

"Oh shut up. I brought her back alive isn't that enough for you?" Xavier asked, before turning around and leaving. 

On the ground my blood ran cold as Xavier drove away. Something inside me said to go after him, but Lukas's arms around me kept me still... for now. 

"I'm back." I say to Lukas, as I fall asleep. "I always come back." 

"I know..." Lukas said, kissing my forehead. 


800 some words (:

Hi guys! 

I'm backkk!!! 

Thank you for the vote! And the reads I'm so happy! I honestly gave up on this book but you guys inspired me to continue. Just you reading this makes my day! So thank you! 

I will try and update when I can. So please be patient!!! 

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Oh and of course have FUN 🤩 

Love ya! 

Lin (:

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2021 ⏰

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