Chapter 6

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"My father happened."

I didn't want to tell them, but I felt weak, I felt I had and have no power around them. I tried to sit up, but the pain had come back, and it felt like no other beating I have ever had, it was worse than my father.

Laying back down I asked them, "what happened last night?"

"You were walking, and some men jumped you. They broke two of your ribs, re-injured your ankle that now has three brakes, stabbed you twice, and cut you on your back that needed stitches and will leave a very big scar," said the one to the right, he was blond and tall.

"That doesn't even include your scars and bruises from before," The one on the left said in a very firm and strict voice before he walked out. The man was brunette with green eyes and a buff body, he seemed mad and disappointed but its not like I chose this life.

Once he left the man on the right then said, "Hi, my names Marcus, sorry about my brother William, he was just mad a young girl like you was put through all that. Can I ask you one more question?" I then nodded in response to his question.

"How old were you when all of this started?" He asked and I replied with, "Ten, I was ten years old." "My goodness," that was the last thing he said before he left, I was confused but now it was only Cassidy, Dr Sharp and I left.

Cassidy then help my hand and said, "You need to sleep, tomorrow is going to be a big day, you'll learn more about where you are and you'll meet Marcus and William's sister, August. I'm going to unchain you, but you need to sleep."

"Doctors orders," said Dr Sharp as she held my other hand and squeezed it. They both then left, and I looked out the window thinking about how I might actually be safe here and I way have a chance of survival. After 3 hours I fell asleep.

I woke up to someone shaking me and saw it was my father, then started screaming at me to get up but I couldn't, I was to weak. He then began punching and beating me up till I was laying on the floor.

Moments later my sister walked in holding a gun in her hand, looking at her I didn't realise my father had a knife but when it went in me I really noticed it. My sister then pointed the gun at me and said, "You were always useless." Then she shot me.

As soon as I heard the gun shot I woke from my sleep, my real sleep, I was screaming and sweating from the dream as Dr Sharp, Cassidy, Marcus, and William came running into the room.

They all swarmed around me, and Cassidy tried to hold my hand but instead I winced backwards not wanting anyone to touch me. The boys looked terrified and scared to touch me, so they left me with Doctor Sharp.

"Your safe don't worry, we don't need to talk but I want you to try to sleep and I won't leave you, don't worry," Dr Sharp said as she laid down on the couch. She made me feel safe and I knew nothing would happen tonight.

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