Chapter 14

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I hated awkward period conversations like hated them, "I need to know when your last cycle was just on average it doesn't have to be exact, just so we can expect it. Look I know this is awkward, but I need to know."

"August can we please not talk about this, I really don't want to." This subject is one that hurts me the most, "Reina, I understand this makes you uncomfortable believe me it makes me feel that way too but it's for your health that I need to know."

"August, I don't get periods anymore. When I was 13 my dad tied me down then started cutting my thighs very close to... m-my private part. I could feel the blood dripping down my legs cause my legs were tied to the roof.

The position was my arms on the table and legs up, so I was completely exposed due to the fact I was fully naked. My sister then began hitting me with a whip." My breaths became deeper.

"You don't have to finish, Reina I won't make you." I knew she wouldn't, but I haven't told anyone this and I need to get this off my chest.

"After that my sister and he kept cutting me in that area, and ever since then I haven't gotten my period and that's why I'm generally scared of men. That's why I'm scared of Kingsley."

I heard a loud bang and saw Kingsley had knocked over a lamp. OMG how much did he hear, I thought Vincent said he would stay away, no no no no, he can't know that only August was meant to hear that.

"Get out Kingsley, get out now!" August yelled at him. She then looked back at me, but her face showed fear, probably cause I was breathing like those little dogs with the scrunched-up faces, a pug I think.

"Reina, I'm sorry, I'll go talk to him and make sure he stays away at least until Vin gets back." I nodded to her, "Oh and I have to give you the calming sedative, so you'll feel a sharp sting in your neck but then you'll calm down and I recommend the Divergent saga to watch next."

She put the needle in my neck, and it instantly calmed me down, I love the feeling of it, it makes me feel happy and collected. Once the high died down and I could focus I put on the first of the divergent movie.

After it finished, I put on the next and then the last one. Somewhere in the middle of the movie, a lady brought in lunch. I then began watching the hunger games and by the end of the second, it was time for dinner where the same lady brought in more food.

I only ate a couple of spoons cause it was rice, I just wasn't hungry. I looked out the window getting a bit bored of the last movie, the stars were beautiful and the moon shone so bright, everything was gorgeous.

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