|but.. we killed him?!|

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*Lexi sent 1 attachment*

Y/N: Holy shit is that Chucky with your sister?

Lexi:): No apparently his name is Tommy.

Jake: Meet outside Lexi's house now.

D: Why?

Y/N: Just do what they say Devon.

You walk over to everybody and Lexi who is holding down a bin lid.

"Get the sack." She calmly demands.

Jake picks up the sack and gets ready to capture Chucky with it. Lexi opens the bin lid and a racoon jumps out and runs away but as soon as it ran Jake stuffed the sack in and lifted it back up revealing Chucky inside.

"Go go go!" You yell and he drops it on the floor and you four start beating the shit out of it.

Jake takes the sack of and you all see Chucky's head no longer on his body.

"Stupid head." Jake spits as he kicks it down the path.

"We did it!" You high five Lexi.

"What about the new doll Tommy?" Jake asks nervously.

"I checked he's totally cool." Lexi says for certain and you all laugh with relief.


You four all sit next to each other in a row.

"We need to tell Junior." You say and they all look at you.

"He won't believe us." Lexi whispers.

"Move." A unknown voice demands and you all turn your heads to see Junior stood there.

"What the hell." He whispers staring down at Devon and Jake who interlocked there hands together.

"Jake's doll Chucky was alive and he killed his dad and the cop and the hospital and killed Oliver." You blurt out.

"Stop lying." Junior demands.

"I'm not lying." You argue.

"Y/N it's one thing to blow me off but don't make a stupid excuse about a murder doll. I can take a hint." Junior raises his voice a little.

"No Junior you need to.." You try to explain but he just cuts you off.

"Save it." He stuffs his hands in his pockets and walks away.

"Told you he wouldn't believe it." Lexi scoffs and you lightly slap her arm.

"Before I answer any questions, Principal Mcvey would like to say a word." Mrs Evans announces but she doesn't come out. You four immediately know something is wrong. "Principal Mcvey?" Mrs Evans repeats and as she says that her head comes rolling out of the curtain.

"Oh my fucking god!" You scream and stand up in shock.

Everybody starts running out the door screaming and Junior runs over to you and hugs you.

"I'm sorry for acting like that Y/N." He apologises quickly and holds you tight.

"It's ok it's ok it's ok." You repeat and bury your face in his neck.

"Come on let's go back to mine." Junior smiles and leads you back to his with his parents.

"But we killed him!" Was the last thing you heard until you made it outside.


"How do you feel?" Junior asks as he sits next to you on his bed.

"I.. don't know. Junior you need to believe me, everything I said back there was true." You try to convince him.

Till' death does us apart - Junior Wheeler x readerUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum