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The pair were up and at the paddock at exactly 11am, swiping their passes over the reader as the clock stroke the hour.

Thursday was track walk and media day meaning the teams would walk the track which was even more important this weekend as it was a brand new track. Various interviews and press conferences would take place through the day for the different drivers.

"See. On time as always." Anna spoke as they walked past various photographer snapping pictures of the duo.

Back when Max made his Formula One debut, a lot of the media made the assumption that they were a couple as she was there along with his family for the Australian Grand Prix in 2015. 

People were quick to forget about Anna for a while as the young driver rapidly rose to fame after being promoted to Red Bull after a year later and was rumoured to be with various girls through the few years.

Anna's name came back into the media as images were shared of Max and a brown haired girl in 2017 that people assumed to be the girl who attended all of his races since 2015. Although Anna knew who Max was truly seeing, Dilara Sanlik his girlfriend for the next 2 years before breaking up in October 2020 before her met Kelly.

Max and Kelly's relationship was a little controversial to begin with as people found it funny how Kelly had previously been dating Daniil Kyvat for three years and had a baby with him.

The reason for the controversial was because people found it strange how it was that Kelly started dating the same boy who took Daniil's seat in 2016 at Red Bull while Daniil was being sent back to Toro Rosso.

People also found it funny how Kelly started dating Max after Daniil had lost his seat at Alpha Tauri to F2 graduate Yuki Tsunoda.

It was a question that Anna had received a lot following the announcement of their relationship, asking what she thought of the daughter of a 3 time F1 champion and if she found it odd how Kelly had started dating the same boy who took her previous boyfriend's seat.

Anna had kept her opinions about Kelly to herself when it came to the media as she didn't want that sort of reputation for herself around the paddock even if she did agree with some of the things the reporters said.

They arrived at Red Bull's hospitality and Anna was in aw of how pretty the Jeddah Corniche Circuit Paddock. The pitlane building was connected to the team buildings by a big greenery arch.

"So, what are we thinking for breakfast?" Max asked as they walked into the common area of the motorhome.

"Ice." Anna replied already feeling the heat of the Middle East and it wasn't even midday yet.

"Don't be so dramatic. Sit down, I'll get breakfast." Max instructed his best friend and she gladly agreed walking to a free table that wasn't filled with Red Bull employees.

Anna was sitting alone for a few minutes when a red haired woman approached her.

"Hey Anna." A familiar voice spoke causing Anna to lift her head from looking at her phone which was on the table in front of her.

"Geri." Anna replied with a smile on her face as she stood up and pulled the singer into a hug. "How are you? Sit please."

"I'm good. How are you?" Geri asked as she took a seat across from the brown haired girl.

"Good thanks. Hot, but good." Anna joked as she fanned her face, thankful for the air conditioning in the motorhome.

"I know. Very hot." Geri agreed with a laugh. "How's Max? Is he nervous for the weekend?"

"He's fine at the minute. He hadn't said anything yet but I'm sure the nerves are there. It's a big weekend for him if things go right." Anna nodded her head as she crossed her legs under the table.

"I'm sure he's fine. Once he keeps performing the way he has I'm sure it'll happen and if not this weekend than in Abu Dhabi." Geri replied.

"Exactly." Anna agreed with the Brit in from of her. They were soon joined by both Max and Christian who were carrying breakfast items as they talked.

Max sat down next to Anna while Christian sat down across from his driver next to his wife. Christian and Anna greeted each other along with Geri and Max before they all started eating breakfast and talking about the weekend ahead.


Even though she was one of those people who tanned very easily in the sun, Anna decided to let Max go on his track walk with the team while she sat in the cool motorhome.

She took refuge in Max's driver room at the back of the motorhome and sat on his massage bed with her back against the wall as as she scrolled through her phone.

She had been there for nearly 45 minutes when the door opened to reveal Max and he looked very sweaty which caused Anna to laugh.

"Something funny?" Max asked as he closed the door to his driver's room.

"No. No. Nothing at all." Anna shook her head in reply as she wiped the smile from her face. She grabbed a towel from the table next to the massage bed and threw it at Max. "And you wondered why I didn't wanna go?"

"I'm just hoping it'll be cooler for the race Sunday night." Max replied as he room off his hat and wiped the towel over his hair and down his face and neck.

"Yeh I don't envy you at all Verstappen." Anna said as she stood up and walked towards Max before patting him on the arm.

"Oh come on, you have to envy me a little." Max told her as he threw his dirty towel in the basket in the corner.

"Not even a little." Anna promised him with a smile as she walked towards the door.

"Liar." Max said as she walked past him.

"Asshole." Anna replied causing Max to turn around as she opened the door.

"What?" Max wondered curiously even though he knew exactly what she had just said.

"Nothing." Anna shook her head in reply as she walked out the door of Max's driver's room.

"Hey, Anna. Get back here." Max called out as he chased after Anna who was running towards the common area and the exit door.


What A Time // Max VerstappenWhere stories live. Discover now