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Christmas Eve arrived and Max was in Brazil with Kelly and her entire family. The sun was shining and the temperatures were sky high.

Max sat on the edge of the pool watching Kelly play with Penelope and he started to feel extremely guilty.

He was wondering what Anna was doing alone back in Monaco. The pair always spent Christmas Eve together doing last minute shopping for Max as Anna was always prepared and had her presents bought.

The Red Bull driver was pulled out his thoughts as he felt a tap on his shin that was in the water. He looked down to see Kelly in front of his with Penelope in her arms.

"What's up? I was calling your name but you didn't answer. You seem miles away." Kelly told him.

"What? Oh nothing. I'm fine. I have to go." Max said as he stood up and walked back towards the house.

"Max wait." Kelly called after him but it was too late.

He used a towel to dry his feet and shove them into a pair of sliders before walking upstairs to the room he and Kelly were staying in for the few days.

He grabbed his phone from the charger and immediately clicked on Anna's name. He sat on the bed and listened the phone ringing as he waited for Anna's voice to come on the phone.

But it never came. Well not in the way he expected. Anna's voice spoke came through the phone via the personal voicemail message she had set up.

Max sighed hanging up and throwing the phone on the bed. That was the first time he could remember that Anna hadn't answered his call. He laid back on the bed and decided to drop her a text telling her to call him back whenever she got a chance.

Letting his phone drop on his chest Max laid in silence wondering what exactly Anna was doing at the very moment. It was weird for the Dutchman not seeing his best friend on Christmas.

"What's going on?" Kelly's voice spoke as the sound of the door opening scared Max.

"What?" Max wondered as he sat up on the bed. "What are you talking about?"

"You were miles away at the pool just now and then when I asked what's up you stormed off." Kelly explained as she closed the bedroom door behind her. "So what's going on Max?"

"Nothing's going on Kelly. I'm fine." Max said standing up and walked passed his girlfriend and out the door.


Anna held her stomach as she couldn't stop laughing after walking into the kitchen of her apartment to a sight she definitely was not expecting when she got out of the shower.

Daniil was standing with flour everywhere, an egg cracked on the ground and a tray of burnt cookies on top of the stove.

"What happened?" Anna asked laughing as she walked slowly towards the Russian in attempt not to step on anything.

"I-I-I." Daniil stuttered as he looked around at the mess he had made. "I have no idea."

"Oh Daniil." Anna said as she used her hand to brush the flour away from his eyes.

"I'm so sorry Anna. I'll clean it up I promise." Daniil spoke feeling very bad for the mess he made.

"Don't worry about it. Yeh go and shower, I'll clean the mess up." Anna assured him as he end up making more of a mess when he was trying to clean up.

"Are you sure? I feel-."

"Just go. Go, out of my kitchen. Go." Anna said as she put her hands on his back and pushed him towards the door.

"Okay, okay. I'm going." Daniil told her before walking out the door towards the bathroom to take a shower and get out of his clothes that were covered in enough inver that if he baked them it would turn into a cake.

Anna laughed at the sight of her kitchen and the Russian who has just left looking a mess to go and shower. She shook her head before heading to the back cupboard in order to clean up the mess.


That night after Anna cleaned up the kitchen and Daniil got showered and changed before Anna threw his clothes in the washing machine, the pair sat on the couch watching Christmas films and eating cookies that Anna made after cleaning the kitchen.

"You never get bored of these things do you?" Daniil asked as they were in the middle of watching their fourth Christmas movie of the evening.

"It Christmas. It's the one time of year I can watch Christmas movies and not be judged." Anna explained as she grabbed the blanket from the back of the couch and draped it over her legs.

"I think watching four in a row might be pushing it." The Russian told her.

"Hey." Anna said leaning over and hitting his arm. "I'll push you out the front door."

"But it's cold out there." Daniil replied with a pouting lip causing Anna to laugh.

"Oh shut up." Anna spoke before standing up.

"Where are you going?" The Alpine reserve driver wondered.

"To make hot chocolate, duh." Anna told him before disappearing off into the kitchen to make her traditional Christmas Eve hot chocolate that she used to share with Max.


What A Time // Max VerstappenWhere stories live. Discover now