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Anna never found out what happened when Max went to Kelly's apartment that day, Max simply came back and said that everything was sorted before heading to pack for England.

And that was where the pair were now, in Milton Keynes, England at the Red Bull factory on launch day of the new RB18.

There was a small crowd of people invited around to the factory for the launch of the new car for 2022 with all the new regulations including the new 18 inch tyres.

Anna was standing watching Max, Sergio and Christian talk with the Sky Sports team when she felt a little hand tug on her arm. She looked down to see the familiar face of Sergio Jr.

"Hello sweetheart." Anna gushed with a smile as she bent down in front of the little boy and lifting him up in her arms.

"Hi Anna." Carola spoke as she came to a stop next to Anna.

"Hey. Look at you, you're glowing." Anna said as she smiled at the pregnant woman.

"Thank you." Carola replied with a smile. "So, where Kelly?"

"Ehh." Anna stuttered causing the Mexican woman to laugh.

"I was just kidding. Sergio told me they broke up. Don't worry, I didn't like her either." Carola explained causing Anna to sigh in relief.

Sergio Jr was in Anna's arms watching his father a few feet away with a bright smile on his face. Anna was too busy talking with Carola to realise Max was staring at her.

The Dutchman had a bright smile on his face as he watched the girl he loved holding the young boy in such a maternal way even while talking with Carola.

He had been staring at Anna and didn't realise that Nataile Pinkham was trying to speak with him. He pulled his attention away from the girl and continued to smile for the rest of the event.


A few days after the Red Bull car launch was Valentine's Day. Anna woke up earlier than usual to find she was all alone in her apartment.

She shoved her feet into her slippers and walked out to the living room and then in the kitchen before realising Max wasn't here.

She knew he trained yesterday with Brad meaning that wasn't where he was and it was too late in the morning for him to be gone running either as it was always before 7 when he would go.

Anna sighed as she got to the kitchen and realised he was no where to be found. After a few minutes the sound of the front door opening caught her attention.

"Max?" Anna called out.

"Anna. Why are you awake?" Max shouted back.

"I couldn't sleep. Why?" Anna wondered as she walked towards the front door.

"No." Max yelled stopping her front opening the door into the front hall. "Close your eyes and go back to your room.


"Shush. Come on." Max grabbed her and placed his large hands over her eyes so she couldn't see anything.

"What is going on?" Anna asked as she was being guided back to her bedroom.

"If I wanted you to wake up early you wouldn't. Now stay here and don't come out until I tell you." Max told her before turning to leave.

He felt slightly guilty for being mean so he came back and placed a quick kiss on the Dutch girl's lips before running out the door leaving Anna with a smile on her face.


"You can out now." Anna heard Max's voice call as he stuck his head into her room a few minutes after she heard the front door closing.

"Thank you for granting me permission to freely walk around my own apartment." Anna replied sarcastically as she stood up and walked towards the door. "Who was here?"

"What?" Max wondered.

"I heard the front door close. Who was here?" Anna asked again.

"No one." Max shook his head in reply.

"Don't lie." Anna told him. Max didn't want her to know that Daniel had been here helping him set up.

"I have no idea what you're talking about." Max assured her even though Anna knew he was lying.

"Okay then." She nodded her head knowing he wasn't going to tell her.

"Hold on." Max stopped her before she could enter the living room. He placed his hands over her eyes so she couldn't see as they walked into the room. "Surprise."

As Max removed his hands, Anna was greeted with the sight of a bunch of pink peonies laying on a blanket next to bowls of sweets, chocolates and strawberries.

The room was decorated with fairy lights surrounding the blanket fort Max and Daniel had created.

"I love it Max." Anna said with a smile as she turned around and wrapped her arms around his neck pulling him into a hug.

"Yeh. You really like it?" Max asked her as he lifted her in the air slightly by their hug causing her to laugh.

"I do. Best Valentine's Day ever." She told him as she placed a kiss on his cheek.

"Cheater." Max replied as they pulled away from their hug but stayed in each other's arms.

"I love you." Anna spoke softly after placing her lips.

"You do?" Max asked in surprise.

"I've always loved you." Anna said nodding her head in reply.

"I love you too." Max told her with a smile on his face.

Suddenly her lifted her in his arms causing the Dutch girl to lead our a scream. Max walked across the room and placed Anna down on the blanket.

The pair spent the rest of the day their chilling out, watching movies and eating junk food. It was the most fancy Valentine's Day but it was perfect for the two of them.

They didn't need any of the big romantic gestures, deep down they both knew they always loved each other and they were already best friends making everything so much easier.


Hope you guys liked this chapter. Please let me know what you think, thanks x


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