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Anna headed back to her apartment after watching Daniil practically eat Kelly's head off for what she did and took Penelope back with him inside of sending her back home with Kelly.

Brad's car was gone telling her that he and Max had finished up training and the performance coach had left.

Anna looked in the glass mirror in the elevator on her way up to her apartment and cringed at the sight of the red hand mark on her face.

She could only pray as she walked down the hallway that Max wouldn't notice because she knew if he found out what had happened he'd be livid with Kelly.

The Dutch girl used her key to let herself inside. The apartment was pretty quiet making her wondering if Max was here at all.

Anna walked into her kitchen and jumped at the sight of the F1 driver cooking food with his ear phones in explaining why there was no noise in the apartment when she arrived.

Anna took a deep breath and mentally prepared herself for the conversation she knew was about to happen.

"Max." Anna called out loudly trying to get his attention.

She didn't want to just walk up and scary him as she knew he wouldn't expect anyone to be in the apartment if he didn't hear her coming in.

"Max." Anna shouted again and this time Max heard her.

He turned around as he turned the music down on his phone. Max had a smile on his face before looking up but the smile faded as he saw Anna's face.

"Anna what happened?" Max wondered as he walked forward. He gently placed his hands on either side of his best friend's face not wanting to hurt her. "Who did this?"

Anna was silent. She knew revealing the answer would just leave to more trouble but she also knew that she couldn't hide it as a lot of people had seen Kelly hit her and it would most likely make an appearance on social media soon.

"Anna. Tell me." Max spoke more firmly this time. It was clear to anyone that he was furious and that if he found out who did it that would only escalate.

"Kelly." Anna whispered softly hoping Max didn't hear her.

"What?" Max asked as he dropped his hands from Anna's face and stepped back. "She did this?"

Anna nodded softly avoiding making eye contact with Max as she knew he was furious right now.

"Where are you going?" Anna wondered as Max suddenly grabbed his keys and walked towards the front door. "Max."

"Stay here." Max told her firmly as he walked out the door.

"Max." Anna shouted one last time before the front door of her apartment slammed shut.


Kelly was walking around the apartment she and Max once shared when there was a sudden banging on the front door. The sound of a fist pounding against the wood echoed through the apartment.

The Brazilian walked towards the front door wondering who it could be. She looked through the small peep hole and saw who was outside.

She knew there was no point in ignoring him as he would still have a key and would be able to get in anyway.

Kelly opened the door and without saying a word Max walked straight into the apartment and towards the kitchen.

Kelly closed the door behind him before following the Red Bull driver into the kitchen.

"Yes?" Kelly wondered walking into the kitchen with her arms crossed.

"You hit Anna?" Max asked loudly causing Kelly to shiver. She had never heard him raising his voice at her.

Kelly stood in silence and suddenly became less confident and as she stared down at the ground in order to avoid her gaze.

"Well? Didn't you?" Max asked once again.

"Yes. Okay, yes I did." Kelly admitted.

"Why? What in the world would possess you to even raise your hand to another person?" Max wondered crossing his arms over his chest.

"Because she took everything from me. First she started dating Daniil which meant she was seeing Penelope more often and then to make things a million times worse she made you cheat on me." Kelly explained throwing her arms around for emphasis.

"Anna didn't make me cheat Kelly. I did that. My own thoughts and actions it had nothing to do with Anna. Yes she was there and yes she was the one I slept with but you know what, the reason for that is because I love her. And the more I thought about it I realised I always loved her and I could never bring myself to admit it because I always thought of her as my best friend. When really I dated Dilara and you as a way of masking those feelings. And I'm sorry I used you but it's true, I love her and I always have." Max admitted to Kelly and himself.

It all made sense. The more he thought about it there was always doubt in his head about his feelings during his relationships and it wasn't that he didn't like them it was just that the person he was with wasn't Anna and he was lying to himself.

"I truly am sorry Kelly. But however you feel, you take that out on me, not Anna. And don't ever raise you hand or any part of your body to her again." The Red Bull driver finished before turning on his heel and walking back towards the front door of his old apartment before leaving.

As Max walked down the hall towards the elevator he couldn't believe the realisation he had come to. He had always been in love with Anna and was simply lying to himself for the last few years.

That awkward feeling he felt as he watched Anna go out on dates, he know realised was jealous and not just over protectiveness of his best friend.

His next step was to figure out how to ask Anna to be his girlfriend because this was one relationship he wanted to last forever and he was never letting her go.


What A Time // Max VerstappenWhere stories live. Discover now