chapter 5

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It's been a day or two since you and Jinx stole that hexgem, you were still working on the way to become stronger with magic, but since you were no genius it was really hard to find a solution.

Frustrated you let the book aside and looked at your surroundings, you were in the small bed that was placed on top of Silco office and Silco himself was on one of his couches waiting for the sheriff Marcus to arrive, apparently he has some things to say about what happened yesterday.

Then the door was opened and one of Silco man's was guiding Marcus to the couche in front of Silco

Silco: " you can leave us now" he said to his guard

The guard doubted for a moment before taking a small glance up and then leaving the office at a fast pace

Silco: " so why are you here?"

Marcus: " why I am her ? You know why! You said you could control them, I lost nine officers, NINE!" He said starting to get up but he didn't go really far before a hand held him in place

Akaza: " try to stay put if you don't want to lose your head" you said smiling devilishly at him, Marcus was surprised, he was sure that he was alone with Silco

Silco: " you were saying?" He said grabbing one cigarette

Marcus looked again at Akaza before continuing

Marcus: " they pushed it too far now, the council wants someone to blame I can't work if you don't give me something to work with" he said

Silco was about to grab something to cut his cigarette but Akaza moved fast enough to cut it surprising Silco

Marcus: " arresting her will be doing you a favor" he said making Silco look at him

Silco: " I don't need any favors, I need you to do your job, the firelight had destroyed one of my ships at the hexgates the same day of the attack, I believe you have your culprit"

Marcus: " that's tidy for you, what if I'm not interested in playing along" he said trying to be tough and make you laugh

Akaza: " hahahahaha" you laughed making Marcus glare at you

Marcus: " what is so funny" you were going to respond but Silco beat you to it

Silco: " it's funny that after all the things we have done together, after how far you have gone, Sheriff" he said pointing at his badge

Silco: " there is alot we still have to achieve, and I hope you and your daughter will be still here to see it" he said threatening Marcus

Akaza: " I think that's your call pal, get the fuck out of here" he said making Marcus leave not before glaring at him

Silco: " why are you here Akaza?"

Akaza: " I was looking into some scientific stuff but I don't understand any of it" you said with frustrated look

Silco: "you know I am something of a scientist myself "

Akaza: " I don't think you understand things about magic"

Silco: " well that's.... true, why not ask the doctor, maybe he know something or someone who can help you"

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