chapter 8

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Big alarms were going on in the bridge, Vi a Caytlin were hiding in a alley trying to not get caught by the enforcers but even from were they were hiding she could hear the fighting on the bridge, the sound of bullets, explosions and yells of pain were coming from there, she had the idea of looking at what the fuck was happening over there, she now understood why people were scared about you, she had  her questions about why Ekko talked about you like a mad person

After all, when you came searching for a fight you literally came out of nowhere punched her 3 times and then left without hurting someone else but now she saw the monster that was hiding inside of you

This scared her, where you still the person she was knew?

Could you possibly change and come back to being Y/n ?

She needed to try, after all it was her weakness in that moment that forced you to gain some time at the cost of your life

She needed to save you from yourself but she didn't know how, she looked back at Caytlin that showed her the empty capsule that was supposed to have the gemstone, she looked back at you only to finally leave

Time skip

You had finished with the bridge "problem" after a moment you were tired of the fight so you just left

You arrived at Singed place, you suspected that Silco put Jinx in his care

Arriving there you saw Silco passed out on a chair and Singed doing his "job"

Singed: " oh you are here, you look....different" he said looking at you

Maybe I forgot to mention that you looked like you took a shower of blood, it wasn't really far of the reality, of course you smelled horribly awful

Akaza: "yeah, my new abilitys are more....Destructive than I predicted" you said cleaning your face with a towel

Singed: "I imagine that's something good?" He asked you but your answer was just a smirk

Akaza: "how is she doing?" You said looking at Jinx

Singed: "suffering as spected" he said not really looking at you

Akaza: " cool, I gonna take a shower and a drink, good luck not killing her"

Singed: "I'm trying" he said while you leave for the last drop


You were drinking at the last drop, the fight was funny but now you wanted to relax a bit, you then saw Sevika walking toward you, you just rolled your eyes and waited for her to sit next to you

Akaza: " you need something winter soldier?"

Sevika: " I just wanted to talk to you, do you see me as a friend?" You look at her before responding

Akaza: " what the fuck gal of course no" she just laughed

Sevika: "good, at least you are sincere"

Akaza: "why the stupid question? Finally hitting your head killed the two brain cells you have?"

Sevika: " really funny, no I just wanted to know something"

Akaza: "then ask, I don't have all day" you took a sip of your drink

Sevika: " someone asked me to betray Silco, obviously that's impossible to succeed if you are in the way" you laughed

Akaza: " what, you want to kill me now?"

Sevika: "I want to ask you if you will betray Silco as well" she said seriously

You looked at her for a moment before rolling your eyes

Akaza: "I don't think so, he is not really the strongest person I know but he is smart and Jinx like him, Singed works for him as well so I prefer stay with him"

Sevika: " good to know you won't betray him"

Akaza: " yeah whatever, you gonna betray him or not?"

Sevika: " no, I'm not like that"

Akaza: " I thought you betrayed Vander"

Sevika: "that's different" she looked  down

Akaza: " sure, look as far as you don't bother me or kill Jinx or silco I not going to rip you apart" you said finishing your drink

Sevika: "thanks ?"

Akaza: "no problem" you smirked making her roll her eyes

Sevika: "I gonna leave you fucking psychopath"

Akaza: " bye Iron woman" you waved at her with a smile on your face

When she finally left you looked at your drink, who were you really loyal with ?

Fighter spirit (akaza male reader x Vi) Where stories live. Discover now