chapter 7

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Still on the laboratory in Zaun, Singed Viktor and Y/n were talking about this new experiment, Singed was reading what Viktor brought and Viktor and Y/n were talking about Y/n plans

Viktor: " so if I understand this right, you want to make yourself a weapon using hextech" he said not really liking Y/n idea

Akaza: " don't put it like that, I'm trying to improve myself, just look at this as a way to improve the rest of humanity, imagine people being faster and arrive early at their jobs, smarter and making new inventions, stronger to–" He said trying to convince Viktor to do what he wanted

Viktor: " yeah I get the idea, but unfortunately what you are trying to do could be used in dangerous ways and even if it wasn't the process will kill the subject for sure, the amount of energy to do this can't be introduced into a person naturally" he said reading the book Y/n given him

Singed: " that's the point, people naturally can't take that much, but Akaza I not normal, he has defied the natural way of things and now is better, I believe he can take it" he said grabbing a small tube of shimmer and pointing it at Viktor

Singed: " and you can to"

Viktor: " so thats shimmer?"

Singed: " a variation, a small part of shimmer coming from Akaza's blood, and believe me this works well"

Viktor: " that could work on plants?" He said looking at the shimmer

Singed: " you are not here for the plants do you? I recognize a  doomed man when I see one, take it and if you aren't sure, you can always try on Akaza first and see if he survive" he said giving the shimmer to Viktor

Akaza: " yeah don't worry, its not the first time people do potentially mortal experiments on me" he said smiling

Viktor: " I guess I should try then" he said starting to leave the laboratory

Singed: " oh one more thing, I just wanted to warn you, if you take this path people will hate you"

Viktor: " I understand, and how I will contact you Akaza?"

Akaza: " oh don't worry about that we will see each other in afternoon on you laboratory, I already know the way"

Viktor: " wait today?"

Akaza: " of course, I think you don't have much time to waste" you smirked Viktor only nodded and leaved the place

Singed: " you are going to kill him after getting your improvements?" He asked taking seat again

Akaza: " nah, he seems more useful alive"

Singed: " good, I could use his help one day"

Akaza: " yeah whatever, I gonna go see Jinx" he said leaving the laboratory as well


When you arrived at Jinx hangout she was resting on a chair looking at a firefly with no signs of Vi around, that make you guess that things didn't go well.

Akaza: " hey dynamite, why that ugly face? Oh sorry I forgot it was your usual face" you laughed at her making her glare at you before grabbing a gun and shooting you on the head, your body falled on the floor like tree

Jinx: " the fireflys attacked us, they took her and some enforcer who was with her, don't know who she was" she said annoyed and looking at the ceiling again

Akaza:" you know you didn't have to shoot me right? I was messing with you" you said getting up, the hole that the bullet did on your face closing quickly

Fighter spirit (akaza male reader x Vi) Where stories live. Discover now