Chapter 2: No Friend for this Soldier

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I panic looking at a very hot Winter Soldier watching me like he's about to kill me. Heh, we are screwed! You shouldn't have come to Romania.

"Did anyone send you?" He asks again now a bit softer and with a doubt in his voice. Well clearly, he studies your every move, he probably knows no one could send someone who freezes when in contact with the big bad wolf. My inner voice is really annoying at this point, it's right but annoying.

"I don't. What?" I ask confused looking at him and he stops his movement too.

"Why are you following me?" Bucky asks me now completely calm and his voice is actually slightly warmer than before.

"I Uhm- I" cannot find any excuse at this point. I chuckle a bit to fill the silence in the alley and move my fingers through my hair. "Okay heh, well this is embarrassing.", I add having no idea what I am about to say next. His perfect blue eyes are staring into mine and I watch him being so hot with casual clothes. Damn is he trying to kill me? "I think you're cute, and hot, heh." I blurt words out and he still seems confused, but he feels a bit more relaxed. "Yeah, I know it's weird, but I saw you in the coffeehouse earlier and I am really shy and I wanted to talk to you, but clearly I suck at planning ahead because I didn't take into account the fact you are gonna feel me following you and interrupt my plan process." I ramble quickly, not even lying.

"Clearly. Well, next time you see me in the coffeehouse and want to talk to me, maybe just start by saying hi." He throws me a smile at the end of his sentence and I feel like dying.

"Noted." I giggle nervously and I feel my phone buzzing. Ah, it's probably the school, they were expecting a call from me. I take it out in a rush trying to make it stop and somehow I manage to drop it on the pavement as I hang up. Shit! We both lean in to pick it up but him being a bit more fast touches it first and the lock screen comes on. Fuck!

He looks at the screen and we both know that is a very hot Steve Rogers on my wallpaper. I feel his metal arm on my neck as I am being pushed against the wall. I drop the coffee cup and I think I have now lost the ability to breathe. It's not even because he is choking me, I feel like I literally have no air in me or around me. I am scared and turned on at the same time.

"And to think I almost believed you. Are you with Shield? Hydra? Why is Steve on your wallpaper? How do you know him? What are you doing here? Look I don't want to kill you, you seem like a nice girl. Now be a smart one too and don't lie to me. We can do this the easy way or the hard way. Your choice." He grunts as he stares at me. I think I am completely lost right now because I might just die at the hands of a very hot Winter Soldier. I try to nod because I can't talk as he stopped my airways and I feel him loosen up the grip around my throat. I gulp and he watches me breathing on my face. How does his breath smell so good?

"Why is Steve on your screen?" He asks again removing his hand from my throat but his body is still pressed against mine.

"I just like Captain America," I say but he doesn't seem to like my answer.

"Do you know who I am?" He asks me leaning out almost like making some space between us so I can look at him. I look down not knowing exactly what to say right now. I cannot find any excuse.

"Yes," I whisper not being able to lie right now. He gulps and I sigh closing my eyes not moving any other muscle.

"Good, then you know exactly what I am capable of." he jerks my arm wrapping his hand around it dragging me with him. "We're not doing this here. So walk! Act natural." he whispers shoving my phone in his pocket. Well, I guess I have no choice but do as he says. Why is my heart beating so fast? I have flashbacks of what he did in Washington and all the blood from all the shooting, his rage feels now more dangerous than ever. He is not the sweet Bucky I like, he is the fucking Winter Soldier, and not how I remember him, he's like an even darker version of Winter Soldier. I feel my body giving up and my vision getting dark. "Fucking great," the mumbled sound of the Winter Soldier is the last thing I hear.

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