Chapter 18: Not a threat

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I tilt my head watching the man closing up on me and I realize it is indeed Thor. I look at him and I am just realizing now how tall he actually is. 

"Yes yes! Y/n, right?" He asks and I nod trying to understand how the heck I actually got here. He looks at me and hands me a beer. "Doesn't matter why you're here, we are having a party tonight." He lights a cigarette and by the smell, I can tell that's actually weed. He looks at me and raises his brows passing that joint to me almost asking me if I want a hit. I look around and I am clearly too wasted to try to figure out how I actually got here, so I start smoking with him. We start dancing and drinking and that is the last thing I remember. 

I woke up with the biggest headache and the worst taste in my mouth. I try to open my eyes but it seems like they barely adjust to the light. I feel the bed moving under me and I feel a wave of confusion take over my mind. What the heck happened last night? I hear someone groan and I cannot even comprehend anything with the loud steady thumps in my head.

"Morning." I hear someone say just above my head but somewhat at the same level and I feel panic striking my whole body and I open my eyes. I realize it wasn't just a bed underneath me. I fell asleep on Thor. Oh my god, he is not wearing a t-shirt! I look down at my own body to see I am wearing a very large t-shirt. Oh, fuck! No, no, no! What the fuck happened? I jump off of him only to hear him chuckling amused at my reaction. I look at him wearing only boxers and I sigh relieved. Alright, at least he is wearing something. I look around and it seems like we are alone in a bedroom. I look at the nightstand and I see a lot of liquor bottles. I run my hands on my face trying to understand.

"What?" I whisper confused battling the headache. 

"Last night was fun. We should totally do it again tonight." Thor smiles looking at me and I groan.

"What happened last night? And where can I get some water?" I try so hard to retrace what happened but it's like my mind cannot remember a thing. I feel Thor moving out of the bed laughing.

"We partied so hard. I didn't think a mortal could withstand their alcohol so well." He comes back with a bottle of water and hands it to me. He looks in his nightstand and gives me an herb. "This will help with your hangover, eat it." He tells me and I take some water and look confused at the leaf in front of my body. Just the thought of me eating that makes me sick. I look at him and he nods reassuringly. I sigh giving in and I eat that leaf but my brain somehow thinks it's just a prank he is trying to pull on me. I drink some more water and I immediately start feeling better.

"What is that thing?" I ask surprised when I can suddenly feel so refreshed.

"Asgard's cure to the hangover." He chuckles sitting back into the bed. 

"Thor, what exactly happened last night?" I ask him tugging at the end of the t-shirt I am wearing. "Did we- uhm did we have sex?" I ask really concerned about it. 

"If you have to ask me that, I think you already have your answer." He smirks and I roll my eyes tilting my head waiting for a better reply. "Don't worry. You just threw up a lot and vomit got on your clothes so I gave you my shirt, then we started drinking again. You did start speaking a lot of nonsense, and then I put you to sleep, you said you were too cold and didn't let me go back, so you fell asleep on me." He explains and I nod.

"What nonsense was I saying?" I ask curious and he shrugs.

"How you were from a different universe where you would imagine having sexual relations with my brother Loki and uhm- your late fiance, Barnes." He frowns shaking his head. I feel my eyes widening and I need to cover my face. What did I admit to Thor? James, fuck, did I really lose you for good?

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