Chapter 29: No more secrets

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My inner peace has stirred and switched to internal stress ever since T'Challa pulled the 'i am going to die' card. I am not even sure how I can fix the situation and keep my promise to him of not telling a soul. I don't even understand how James took the news so calmly. I don't understand how he can control his reactions so much. You cannot fix someone who doesn't want to be fixed, this was what he told me when we got back to the apartment.

I know that in a way he is right, but I don't understand how Challa doesn't want to be fixed. He has a son, a country to rule and protect, Nakia, and nothing seems to matter to him. He's at peace. And I, I am supposed to be at peace as well with his decision, his stupid decision.

All of this could be a consequence of my action. Everyone keeps warning me. Why am I going out of my way to save someone just to have it blow up in my face and someone who is even closer to me has to die now?

"I think I screwed things up." I blurt out of my train of thought as I pile the plum mixture into the pie base. I feel James' arms wrap around my waist and I can feel his little chuckle in my ear as he hugs me from behind.

"I don't think you did. It tastes delicious." He tells me as his finger dips into the leftover mixture and made its way to his mouth.

"Not the pie." I sigh turning around. "I think I screwed things up for this universe," I admit gulping and I can see the confusion painted on his face.

"Okay, let's hear your theory." He leans on the kitchen counter and I take a deep breath. Looking now into his softened eyes I just know I need him to know the whole truth.

"Well, I fear that by saving Stark, I completely ruined the timeline that was supposed to happen and now, I mean now Challa is dying and god knows what else is going to happen and I do not know how to deal with this because I feel like it's all my fault. Actually, I don't just feel it, I know it is. I screwed up James and- and I don't-"

"Alright alright. Slow down, you are hyperventilating." James softly interrupts me as he embraces me knowing exactly how to calm me down. "I hear you and understand why you would feel like this." His voice is so peaceful and I could melt into his arms. "But," he leans out and looks me in the eyes. "You also did tell me your knowledge about this universe stops around after Thanos and all the mess." He says and I gulp looking at him.

"Stark was supposed to die," I whisper and he nods.

"Yes, but just because you saved him, it does not mean this has already butterflied effect into King T'Challa dying. Look the chances of him being sick before even Stark dying are really high. We don't know much. The guy didn't even tell his family about this and if it weren't for you casually popping into his place, we wouldn't know it either." His thumb caresses my face and I sigh looking at him.

"You really think I had nothing to do with it?" I whisper looking at him and he nods.

"I am positive your action did not impact his health. You said you didn't see the movies after this. Maybe his sickness really is part of the timeline. You just didn't know about it. Okay?"

James makes more sense than I do right now. I am so happy I can actually talk to him about all of this. It's crazy how out of the two of us he sounds saner than I do. Well, that's because you know what is coming to you, or might I say, who is coming after you. You did change the timeline. My inner voice seems to have a problem against me as I cannot relax for even a moment. I need to tell James about this.

"I have to tell you one other thing." I feel my brows confused by my own words. Should I ruin his night? Yes, he deserves to know everything.

"I'm listening." He smirks thinking it might be just another slight inconvenience that we can quickly solve. I press my lips into a thin line not sure how this is actually going to go.

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