Chapter 9: No blind trust but yours

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"Don't leave me... please" I say through painful breathes. James managed to help me put some pants on and I am so happy I decided to keep a shirt on when I went to bed because I can barely breathe, let alone move my upper body.

"I'm right here." He kisses my forehead as we wait for the ambulance and I sigh trying to remain calm as I breathe through the pain.

"Promise me you won't leave," I whisper and he looks at me with tears in his eyes. He squeezes them shut looking away and I grab his hand. "Please James," I beg him at this point and I feel his lips on my forehead.

"I promise." He whispers. "I am so sorry." He sighs and I look at the door as I hear people on the stairs.

The paramedics get in the apartment and they put me on a stretcher carrying me outside to the ambulance. All this time I keep Bucky's hand. I know he feels so guilty he will probably disappear if I don't hold him.

"What happened?" The paramedics ask me and James still keeps his metal arm in the pocket of his jacket.

"It was my fault. I..." James looks at the paramedics and back to me and I can't take this. He looks like he just murdered someone.

"I fell." I cut him and everyone glares at me with a confused expression on their faces. "We were playing around and I was running- I got on the couch and I slipped and managed to fall and hit the" I stop and try to breathe while thinking of a possible thing I could have fallen on that would cause this insane pain without telling them I just got punched by a super-soldier whose strength and force are ten times the normal human possesses. "I hit the sharp corner of the back of the metallic chair in the living room," I say and the paramedics sigh.

"It looks like a rib fracture and possible lung puncture." The paramedic listens to my breathing with the stethoscope. "Definitely left lung puncture." They tell me and I can feel James getting a bit worried so my brain panics again. Well, hopefully no one from our universe will even notice you're gone.

I feel being moved again and as they take me to the CT scan I feel Bucky's hand letting go. That's it for that one, we both know you'll never see him again.

"A fall from that height couldn't do that. You have multiple rib fractures. Did you experience any other symptoms? Like severe coughing?" The doctor asks me confused as he learns I just fell and managed to get more ribs broken and puncture my lung in the process. I shake my head trying to not pass out from this horrible pain. The doctor gives the nurses some orders and they put IVs in my hand and in a few seconds, I feel the pain being a bit relieved.

"Hmm, okay, I will let the air out of your lung now, I have to warn you, it will sting a bit." He says giving no time for me to react as he pushes a needle in my chest. I suddenly feel oxygen again and I feel like I can finally breathe again.
"As for the ribs, they will heal themselves, but it will be a painful recovery of about 8 weeks." He tells me and I nod remembering again the moment he punched my chest. How could someone be so strong? I see a black circle on my chest where James planted his metal fist.

He was just scared. I know he didn't mean to hurt me. He was probably remembering something and when I woke him up he still thought he was in his nightmare. He looked so scared right before punching his way through me.

I feel like someone ripped me in half, but the powerful pain killers are so strong, I close my eyes and fall asleep.

I am back in my old room from Los Angeles. My mom is reading me a bedtime story as she tucked me in. I hear someone knocking on the door and my dad is talking downstairs with that person. I see my mom's facial expression just got a bit worried. She looks at my door and I see my dad's shadow. My mom turns to me with a smile on her face and kisses my forehead.

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