The Power of Fans

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"I've just got home from MAMA. Did you all watch the show? Being there was unbelievable, but being in the artists' section... I had the best view! And weren't our boys amazing! You can always rely on BTS to blow you away with their performance. Not that the others weren't great too! All the performances were awesome. Are any of you ATINY? Did you see ATEEZ perform their two new songs? So good! And I got to meet them too! I was a little shy, but they were really nice and even kept me company while BTS were getting ready to perform. Do you know how long it all takes behind the scenes for these things? I was around for rehearsals - which will probably be the beginning of this video - and anyway, the set-up and stuff takes a while, so I was by myself for, what? Half an hour? An hour maybe? Imagine sitting by yourself surrounded by celebrities with cameras everywhere... I'm sorry. I'm tired, so I'm rambling. I think it's time for bed. Okay... Goodnight everyone!"

When the video finally ended, Anna had her face hidden in Jungkook's shoulder. She was sitting in the Maknae's studio with all three of the Maknae line.

"That was brilliant, Noona!"

"I can't believe they included that! It's so embarrassing."

"Don't worry, there will be plenty more embarrassing videos in the future."

"Thanks, Tae. That makes me feel a lot better."

"You're welcome."

Anna shook her head when her soulmate didn't catch on to her sarcasm.

"Did you have to talk about another group though?"

"The fact that she did is the whole reason they included it in the video, Jimin-Hyung."

BTS' soulmate spotted alone with other male Idols, may have made a few headlines the day after the MAMA's. However, with the video Anna had recorded when she got home, - still wearing the same outfit she had worn to the awards show - her backstage at the MAMA's video had been quickly edited and uploaded to her YouTube channel.

Even if ARMY hadn't wanted to defend her just for being BTS' soulmate, those that watched her content, as well as ATINY's, had come to her and the members of ATEEZ's defence. Hashtags about ATEEZ's gentlemanly actions, and Anna getting to live every fangirl's dream, ended up trending on Twitter.

"I hope ATEEZ are okay. I can't believe I got them bad press! What if the fans hadn't turned it around? It would've been all my fault!"

"It wouldn't have been all your fault. They knew the risk when they decided to go and sit with you."

"They're such nice boys. Too nice. Just like you guys. How have you never gotten caught up in a scandal?"



The three of them looked at each other, the older two gesturing for Jungkook to approach a certain subject with Anna.

"So, Noona, how come we didn't know you had a new group you were fangirling over?"

"What? Me? Fangirling over someone other than my incredible soulmates? Never!"

Jimin raised an eyebrow.

"Um, I was there when you told them that you'd been listening to their music for a year..."

"There's a big difference between listening to their music and fangirling over them."

"You got all shy when Hoseok-Hyung dragged you over to meet them."

"Yeah... So... They're Idols! I would've been the same with anyone there."

Jungkook wrapped an arm around her with a chuckle.

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