Fade up

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It's been a couple months since what happened at the party. You had time to recover about what Brian did but you can't seem to stop thinking about what happened between Dean and you that night, the tension you craved it more and more everyday.

Without having to talk to him after that night and with him disappearing from school for these couple of weeks makes it even harder for you to get it off your mind.

You try not to get attached because you know he's a player, this is what he does. He might just be messing with you, you never know.


After a couple more weeks you get over it, you just go on with your life, homework and school.
You also made a new friend, he's name was Luke he's one of Dean close friends that's been helping you out with homework since you two are partners for a science project.
You two had a project due on Monday, so you make plans to meet up on Sunday.


Luke comes over to your house for the project, you guys get tired since it's late so you order pizza and put on a movie so you can take a break.
*bell rings* "That must be the pizza!!" Luke yells from the living you to you in the kitchen "I'll get it" you yell back as you go and open the door.

"W-What are yo-" you stutter shocked as you see who showed up at your door "Is this a bad time?" he asks staring at you desperately "umm-".
"Hey, what's taking so long?" luke shouts "who's that" he asks giving you a death stare "Dean, why are you here?" You ask him as he tries to speaking but nothing comes out.

"Hey, Y/N is everythin- D-Dean?" Luke says shocked. "What the hell is he doing here" Dean asks you mad "I'm helping her with a project" Luke replies stepping in front of me as if he was protecting me. "Why the hell are you helping her of all people" Dean says getting more and more angry "You got a problem with that? Huh" Luke says as he pushes Dean hard on the shoulders.

Things are getting really heated up.
Dean of course pushes him back as they start fist fighting. "STOP-STOP IT" you shout ripping them apart, you push Dean away from Luke.
Dean just looks at Luke folding his hands into a fist while breathing heavily "hey, look at me" you say trying to calm him down.
"Dean, look at me!" you shout as you put your hands on his cheeks making his face look down to you.

You two look into each others eyes and you see him start to calm down. God those damn eyes making overwhelming you as they look right into your soul. You missed him so badly but you're mad at him at the same time. He's everywhere, he acts like he doesn't care then fights every guy I talk too. Which pisses you off more and more, you had enough of it!
You're going to show him what his missing.

"You should go" you say to him pissed off, he looks at him then back at you and walks away. You grab Luke's hand and go inside the house.

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