Chapter 2

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-Self harm mentions

-Body shaming


-Hate comments

-Suicide mentions



That's all I think! Enjoy!

(Wilbur POV)

"Tommy" I say before he hangs up. I am really worried about him. What could possibly be the cause for him to flinch because I screamed? Maybe i shouldn't be so worried for him. But what if I do need to be worried about him? Suddenly my thoughts got interrupted by a discord call that pops up on my computer. 'SBI' It says. I pick up and get greeted by Phil and Techno. "Hey boys!" Phil says. Then I hear Techno saying "Haloooo", I chuckle at it a little. Later on I said hello and asked him why he called us.

"Well, I was thinking on meeting up! It would bring a lot of attention to the viewers but I think it also will just be just fun for us all to meet up." He says and I get really excited of the idea. "Sounds great, I'm really looking forward to it!" I say and then hear the pinkette say "Yooooooo, I'll buy a flight ticket right away", "Wait no! We need to ask Tommy first, he also has to ask his parents before he can meet up with us, he's 16 you know?" The oldest says and I think it sound logical enough, and I can maybe see why he flinched.. Wait, what am I saying? It's probally nothing. I shouldn't overreact so much. "You didn't ask him yet?" I say. "No, he didn't pick up. I'll call him again." He said. We wait for a bit and then heard the noise from someone joining the call.

(Tommy POV)

When I pick up I immediately get greeted by Phil. "Hey mate! We got something to tell you" he says. My heart dropped. This was it. They'll say I'm to annoying and fat to hang out with and they'll just leave me. But I get wiped out of my tought as I hear the next words that make my heart bright up. "We are planning on meeting up, and we where wondering if you could join?" His father figure said. He lighted up with joy and said "Yes, of course I want to join! Whoo! This is so fucking poggers!" I said while slightly putting my persona on. I was happy, I really was. But i was also thinking about all the stuff I needed to hide. I mean, It's not that they would even care, but they'll just think he's so disgusting for his problems that they'll leave him. 

He gets back to reality once again to listen to what Phill has to say next but he's mood only dropped down by that one line. "But you need to ask you're parents first of course." 

How was he supposed to ask his father?! Maybe he won't be so mad since I'll not be in his way anymore.. I slightly gulp at even the idea of asking that abusive man. But I knew I had to. For my friends, for my family figures. "Yes of course I'll ask them you fucking idiot! I say trying to sound as much as my persona as I can and not let them hear how scared I am to confront my father, if I even can call him that. "Well then you better ask them fast you little shit! We'll meet up in 2 days." He said. I guess that's better than 1. We said our goodbyes and hung up. Now I had to ask him.. 

I slightly shakingly stand up and go to my front door. My anxiety only rises up when I open the door and walk down the stairs. I could smell the strong, disgusting smell of alcohol all over the couch. I saw my father watching TV untill he notices me and asks me. "What the hell do you want, fucking excuse for a son." I only get more scared but try to get it together and not stutter since that will result in a beating, hopefully just a small one. "Wel sir, could I please meet 3 of my friends in 2 days?" I say trying to sound as natural as possible. He stands up and looks me right in the eyes. Towering over me and my fear just gets worse. "For how long exactly then, Thomas?" He said. I silently gulp and try to remember how long they said it would be for. "For 3 weeks", I said. He chuckled a bit and i slightly flinched at it but not enough to get it noticed. "Sure whatever, brat. How the longer you're gone how the better." The man said. I kinda felt hurt but knew it was the truth. He looks me right dead in the eyes and says. "Oh, and one more thing." He kicks my stomach and leaves the house, probally to the pub for the whole night again. I wince in pain and try to get air trough my lungs as tears stream to my eyes. This was gonna be a long night.

I wake up with a pain throughout my whole body. Nothing new. My mood getting better once I remember that im am meeting up with Phil, Techno and Wilbur again. I start to pack my stuff already and prepare for the trip. I pack my clothes, towels and you know, the basic needs. Lastly, I grab my blades and try to hide them a little bit. I know it's bad but hey, I'll just say I need them to shave or some shit, even though I definently don't need to. Wait no. I do need to, I am a big man! People shave with blades right? Of course they do. I wouldn't say that if it wasn't true because that's just how smart I am.

A few hour passed and I sit on my bed and look at the shiny pouring rain mixing with the beautiful night sky. I hear the little drops splitting against my window. It looks so beautiful, and if I could I'd dance trough it. But I cant leave the house. Not when I look as shitty and fat as this. I think about what to do and decide I could do a little bit of streaming.

"Hello chat, today I'll let u guys ask me things and I'll answer them!" I say putting on my persona. The first message I got was

Amirawastaken donated 1.30$: Tommy why so you love mud so much?

"Well simple, because mud is just really tasty and comforting" I say slightly chuckling after. Then I got the next dono.

Haloinnit donated 3.20$: Hey Tommy, I just wanted to say I love you're content and when is the next lore stream out?

Thanks pal! And sorry but I can't reveal when the next lore stream is out yet! I say with a bit excitement in my voice. A few minutes past and I get this dono.

KarlRuinedMrBeast donated 1.00$: How can anyone even like you? I would probally just pity you and leave you immediately. I'm surprised you're 'friends' didn't even leave you yet. They pity you to much, I feel bad for them.

I freeze seeing the comment. I knew it was true, but I never had a dono saying it before.. I try to put my persona back on and say. "Haha, nice. Thanks for the money bitch!" And wait for the next dono. I also got half people disagreeing and half people agreeing with what the person said, it hurt w little to see half of my chat agreeing., but hey. Atleast the other disagreed, probably out of pity tough... I was waiting around 8 minutes for the next dono.

ButterFlynotfound: I agree with the first person, I mean look at you! You're so annoying and ugly! Why cant you just be fucking normal for once in you pointless life? Just end it already, jeez.

I could feel my eyes water a bit, this is exactly what my father always tells me. It hurted. But it was the truth, why couldn't I just be normal like the rest? I remember I'm still streaming and say the following words. "Hm, alright chat! Sorry that I have to make the stream legit fucking short but I need to go now, bye!" And ended the stream. I let small tears stream from my eyes and turn of my setup. Tomorrow i was gonna meet my friends, so i needed around a decent amount of sleep before Wilbur was gonna pick me up.

Whoo! Two chapters in a row! I hope you enjoyed this chapter :D Sorry if it still wasn't long enough 

-1428 words

We need to get you away from him. (Tommy Angst) (SBI focused)Where stories live. Discover now