Chapter 4

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-Mentions of suicide

-Extreme hatefull comments


-Slight Mention of abuse

-Slight Mentions of hitting

-Eating disorder 


I think that's all, enjoy!

(Tommy POV) 

I get awaken by Techno standing by my side and I get up slowly sitting on my bed. "Do you need something?" I ask and he respond by saying "Yes, we are going to watch a movie. Care to join?" My face lit up. It sounded really fun to watch a movie with my family figures so I of course agreed to join. 

"So what are gonna watch?" Phil asked. Me and Wilbur just stared at eachother with a big ass grin on both of  our faces. "No we are not going to watch fucking Hamilton." Techno said. "Oh come on, pleaseeeeeee?" Wil said. "Absolutely fucking no-" We were watching Hamilton on the TV screen, me and Wil sat on the floor with some blankets and pillows, Techno and Phil sat on the couch with a bowl of popcorn. "UGHH WHY ARE WE WATCHING HAMILTONNN" Techno scream-whined and I flinched. I hoped no one saw that. When I looked around I see Techno still whining and Phil jokingly comforting him. I tought no one saw it and I relaxed but then I look to my left and see a worried Wilbur looking at me. Shit. He puts his hand on my shoulder and I tense up. I look straight back to the screen and tend to ignore him. 

(Wilbur POV)

"UGHH WHY ARE WE WATCHING HAMILTONNN" I heard Techno say and I giggled at it. However when I turned at the right side from me I saw Tommy flinching. Again. I give him a worried expression and then he looks at me. I put my hand on his shoulder to give him comfort but I feel him tensing up and looking straight back at the TV screen in order to ignore me. Yeah, there's definitely something wrong.

(Tommy POV)

When I woke up I saw me Techno and Wilbur sleeping on the couch. Strange. I look over to the kitchen to see Phil cooking breakfast. Breakfast. Guess I have to eat it now or I'll be super suspicious. I can throw it up afterwards anyways. "Oh, morning mate." I hear Phil say. "Morning." I say back. "We'll have breakfast when Techno and Wilbur wake up, okay?" The older asks. "Mhm" I respond. I take out my phone and scroll through Twitter. I then stop by the following messages.

DumbIsNotMyThing: Look at this pic of Tommy, it clearly shows how unhealthy his weight is, what a fucking loser.

FlowerHope: Omg did you guys see Tommy's last stream?! It was so funny he almost cried like, hes so pathetic.😆

DreamStanLover: Tommy is such a baby, he can't even stand a little bit of hate.🙄😒

KarenNap: Tommy is just so annoying, all he's friends just pity him and he'll be better of dead. I think we can all agree.

SeriouslyCoolGirl: Tommy is just a waste of space here really, why didn't he just kill himself yet? He's parents probally think the exact same of him.

I feel silent tears streaming on my face. I try to hide them with the blankets that are on me. After what feels like hours I finally get them away and try to make myself look like I didn't cry before Phil was done cooking and Techno and Wil woke up.

We sat at the breakfast table and I didn't look Wilbur in the eyes, not even one time. He can't know. I look at my plate and feel like I'm about to throw up even looking at the food. Bacon and eggs. They have so much fat in them. To much fat. But I know I have to at least finish half the meal if I don't wanna look suspicious. So I do that. And with every single bite i feel disgusted. 

After I've finished eating at least half of my meal I've excused myself to the bathroom. I put my head above the toilet bowl and force two fingers down my throat. Tears prick in my eyes by the awful feeling of throwing up. I clean everything up and go back to my room. After I got to my room I decided to call Tubbo. "Hey Tubs!" I say. "Hey Toms!" The bee boy answers. "Watcha up to?" He asked. "Ohh nothing, y'know just the usual. In a bought mansion right now, together with Wilbur, Techno and Phil." I answered giggling afterwards. "YOU ARE WHAT?!" He screamed and I flinched at the loud noice. Ughhh I really need to stop flinching. "Yep, amazing right? I know." I answer. "So, you wanna play minecraft?" I asked. "Sure!" Tubbo said cheerfully, if only I could be like him. Then I'd probally get less hate and more people would actually like me.

Eating 3 meals today was hard enough but throwing them up was more painfull. I was just chilling on the couch with Techno, it was evening. And then Phil came walking in and asked. "Do you two want to play monopoly with me and Will?" I just couldn't decline the offer so of course I said "HEL YEAH, LET'S DO THISS" And Techno just responded with a simple 'Sure' ugh so boringggggg

Me and Wilbur are in a team and just won. He wanted to give me a hing five but I emidiantley reacted and blocked. Ugh, stupid reflexes. Luckily to my suprise no one saw. We play a couple of more games but around 20 minutes later we decide to play minecraft.

"Phil, what are they doing?" Techno aks jokingly concerned. "I don't know mate" The beach blonde responds giggling a little. "HUMUNA HUMUNA HUMUNA HUMUNA" Me and Wilbur said while walking around a tree for God knows how long. After awhile I get tired but didn't show it of course. Big men are never tired. I feel my vision getting blurry for a bit and I also look really tired apparently because the following words I hear are. "Tommy mate, you should go to bed now" I am amazing so of course I denied being tired untill I lose balance even tough I'm sitting on a fucking chair. Right before I could hit the ground I get catched by Wilbur. "Woah, Tommy you should actually go to bed." I hear him say. "I don't need to go to bed, Wilby" I say annoyed. Then Immediately realizing that I just called him Wilby. "I MEAN-" I try to say but then getting interrupted by Wilbur saying "Did you just call me Wilby?" "No I didn't" I said back. "Yes you did! Awwww, Tommyy!" He says and then I suddenly feel two strong arms wrap around me.

 I get shocked by the sudden touch. It felt so...loving and comforting... I've never felt that for a long time. I melt into the hug and stop talking. I just let him hug me. I then fell asleep with a huge smile on my face. A genuine smile.

-1167 words

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