Chapter 5

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-Mentions of bruises and scars



-Eating disorder

I think that's all, enjoy!

(Wilbur POV)

I look at Phil and Techno and they stared in awe. "What?" I ask. "Look down, idiot" Techno said. I look down, the next thing I see is Tommy clinging on to me. He was asleep with a huge smile crossing his face. I couldn't help but smile at the sight. I put him to bed and then we all decided we should also go to sleep. I took a quick shower and put my pajamas on. I sit on my bed, ready to fall asleep but then I get a sudden flashback of when I hugged Tommy. He felt so thin. Too thin. Also when I lifted him up he felt way to light. Before I can think more of it I fall into a deep sleep..

(Tommy POV)

I wake up and suddenly feel that the warmth and comfort had gone away. I whine a bit at it but then I decide I go to my bathroom and take a shower. When I look in the mirror however I see that my makeup was still on my face, how the fuck is it still on? Well how the better. I get into the shower and wince at the hot water touching my bruises and scars. When I got out I put on a red hoodie with a white t-shirt under it and dark blue jeans. Don't ask me why I wear red hoodies so much. Their cool okay?! I put on the waterproof makeup and go to the kitchen, I look over to the fridge and then remembered something.

I haven't ate anything in 4 days without throwing it up. I decide I should eat something to not starve to death. I take out an apple since it's at least healthy and eat somewhere around half of it. I feel disgusted and wanted to throw it up but i knew I couldn't if I wanted to stay alive.

Later on I hear Techno coming downstairs. "Good morning" I said waving a little. He answered with a plane morning. So dry, jeez. "Are you ready to go to the shops later?" He asks me. Oh, right. We were going shopping for streaming stuff, and also just stuff we like. Me and Techno talk a bit untill we hear Wilbur and Phil coming downstairs. And we greeted them. "So, what do you all want for breakfast?" He asks. Great, eating that apple did do something good for once. "Well actually, Phil. I already ate before you guys woke up." I say cheerfully, happy that I finally didn't have to lie. I was technically telling the truth, I didn't eat much. But I did eat. "Oh, that's alright mate. And you two?" Phil said. Techno said spaghetti. What the actual fuck is wrong with him. Wilbur gives me a suspicious glance tough, why? What did I do to get a suspicious glance from him? I decide to just ignore it since he then also agreed on eating spaghetti as breakfast. WHAT THE  FU-

We were in the shopping hall and already bought the streaming stuff. Now we splitted the group of four in half, so I was going with Wilbur. Techno & Phil where also going with eachother. Me and Wilbur where just buying random stuff. Well Wilbur was just buying random stuff. I was to scared to buy anything.


I was shopping with my dad and he was really annoyed that we had to go shopping. I was somewhere around 12 at the time. I looked at a cool poster of some people I liked to watch back then and I walked to my dad to aks if I could buy the poster. Horrible plan. He gave me a 'You're dead' look but because we where in a store he said "No, Thomas. Sorry bud" and after awhile we got to the car. The second we got into the house he kicked my back so I fell on the floor. "HOW DARE YOU ASK ME TO BUY SOMETHING, YOU GREEDY PIG?!" and with that he kicked my face. "I-I'm sorry dad" I said with a stutter. "DON'T EVEN DARE TO CALL ME DAD YOU DISGRACE!! ALSO, WHAT DID I SAY ABOUT SUTTERING, HUH? THOMAS" He screamed to me and began punching my face. Since that day I've never asked or accepted anything ever again.

I get out of the memory, shivering of even thinking about it again. "Toms?" I hear Wilbur's voice say. "Hm? Oh I just zoned out sorry" I say, wait now I sound dumb. He probaly didn't even ask me if I'm okay. No one does. I'm just a fucking good for nothing child. "That's alright, I was asking what you wanted to buy" He said. My heart dropped. I quickly answer "N-no thanks, I don't want anything" I said. He gives me a confused look and says. "You must be joking right? Who wouldn't want something in a place with endless options!" He said half joking. "Yeah I k-know. Still no tough. Thanks." I answer. He looks at me for a good amount of time and then takes out a necklace with two minecraft discs on them. The exact same colors like mines on the DSMP. It looked really cool but why would Wilbur take it? 

He walks up to the counter and then pays for it. Weird. But the next thing he does made me gulp. He puts the necklace around my neck and says. "I couldn't just not get you anything, do you know how bad I'll feel?!" He says jokingly. I however look in pure fear but try to hide it and thank him for it. When we go back home we take out all the supplies we set up and put then in each our rooms ready for the stream later. I couldn't stop thinking about how much in trouble I'll be for getting something in the store. Let's just not hope the worst. Wich will be really hard. 

We sit in the kitchen and Phil aks us what we want as lunch. I said I already ate at a random store when we separated. I then just remembered that when we separated I was was going with Wilbur. Shit. He gives me that one 'I know what you're up to' look. I'm doomed.

-1109 Words

Just to update, sorry for the little trouble (That chapter 3 came up first in the chapter orders). I fixed it now and I will try my best so this problem won't happen in the future anymore.

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