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When my knuckles meet her face, Theo lunges at me, a magnificent ash-blonde tiger taking down its prey.

The crowd around us disappears from my peripheral vision. I lash back, my hands pulling at her hair, her uniform, whatever my fingers are able to wrap around and clamp onto. She does the same, and a searing heat slices down the side of my face where her fingernails meet skin.

Vengeance burns in my chest like an inferno. I want to make her suffer the way Ava suffered, and I'll do whatever it takes to make certain it happens.

Except. Someone is screaming in my ear, two arms fighting to hold me back. But the only thing I'm focused on is that Theodora West is responsible for writing that note to my sister.

Ava Greenley, if you know what's good for you, don't you dare say a word.

Say a word about what? Was whatever dirt my sister had on her worth taking her life? Was it worth telling me to take mine?

"You did it, you bitch! You threatened Ava, and now you're coming after me." As the words leave my mouth, they don't even sound like my own. They belong to a hysterical mad woman, overcome with rage. "You're a monster!" I scream. My voice explodes like thunder through the lobby.

My fists fly at her again, but they never make contact. I'm yanked away by someone who's weight overpowers my own. Theo's pulled away too, glimpses of Eli emerging from over her shoulders, his athletic arms holding her back. Our hands continue to reach out for one another but the gap in between us grows wider.

"Mia, calm down," the voice persists in my ear. It's Mr. Plavik.

Once Theo is a safe distance away, my shoulders go slack, and a pent up wail pushes past my lips. My entire body trembles and I double over.

"What just happened?" Mr. Plavik asks. His grip around me loosens.

"She—" I take a shuddering breath, unable to suck in enough air. "She did it."

"Theo?" Iris is next to me in an instant. "Are you certain?"

I point at the floor. "That's the marker. The same one used in both of our letters." I straighten my back, my arms and legs on fire. My eyes dart back to Theo. "She did it. She's the one responsible."

Mr. Plavik readjusts his grip. "You'll need to work this out with Mr. Mckenzie. We have a strict no fighting policy here and its grounds for expulsion. I understand you're new, Mia, but Theo should know better. Violence is unacceptable. Eli—" he calls out. "Take Theo to the office. Mia and I will follow behind you. Can I trust you to walk on your own?" Mr. Plavik asks as Eli guides a reluctant Theo down the hall.

I nod.

"Here. You're going to need proof." Iris grabs the marker from the floor and hands it over. "Do you want me to come with you?"

"That won't be necessary, Ms. Johnson," Mr. Plavik says. "Mia and Theodora will have to handle this on their own. Unless you were directly involved?"

Her eyes narrow in defiance. "I want to provide moral support for my friend."

"Well then, like I said, your assistance isn't needed." Mr. Plavik gives me a nudge. "Let's get a move on. As for the rest of you, get back to what you were doing," he announces to the crowd of wide-eyed onlookers.

"Text me when you're done," Iris calls out. "And good luck!"

I look over my shoulder and nod. Behind me, everyone is still staring.

So is Mr. Plavik. "You should probably have the nurse look at that."

My chest is still heaving. "Look at what?"

Sweet Deadly Lies (A Dark Academia Mystery) Watty Winner ✔️Where stories live. Discover now