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When we leave the main building, drops of rain sting my face as they descend from the fast-moving clouds, and a never-ending gust of wind gnashes my teeth. The sound grinds insides my skull as goosebumps take over my skin.

Mr. McKenzie is behind us, guiding us into the storm. True to his word, we're not going toward the cliffs. We're headed straight to the ocean.

The reality of everything he's done spins out of control in my brain. I glare at him over my shoulder. "You planted Ava's phone in Xander's bag, didn't you? You were trying to set him up."

He tugs at the hoodie until it conceals the top half of his face. "That wasn't me."

Even in the cold, a red hot rage rips through me. "Liar! You never liked him, so you're making him your scapegoat. So help me God, if you try to blame him for this I'll—"

"You'll what?" He cuts me off. "I don't think you're in a position to do anything about it, Miss Greenley. As long as everyone believes Ava and Kate jumped, the logistics won't be an issue. I'll only pull a wild card if I need to. But it would appear I've been dealt a winning hand—I couldn't have planned it more perfectly if I tried!"

My jaw clenches so hard, streaks of pain bolt down my neck. "You're disgusting. I feel sorry for Drew, having a murderer like you as a father. He deserves better."

Mr. McKenzie grips the rope around my wrists and gives it a violent twist, the hemp digging further into my flesh. "Drew's lucky to have me. Who else would go this far to secure his future?"

"You're fucking crazy!" I scream, my voice carried away by the wind.

The heel of his palm slams into my back and I drop to my knees, the rain-drenched ground soaking through my jeans. Long strands of hair adhere to my face, and for the first time this evening, tears burn my eyes for all the lives ruined by this delusional man.

It's not fair. But who said life is?

For a long time I wanted to disappear. Not the way my father chose to, but I used drugs and alcohol to hide from the pain. I don't want to do that anymore. As much as it will hurt, I want to embrace the time I've been given—a life I'm blessed to have while so many others have been denied. That's exactly what I plan to do if I make it out of this alive.

When I make it out alive.

I force back the cry creeping up my throat. With my wrists pinched together, I fight to stand, one leg and then the other, my balance off kilter as I push myself to my feet. Patches of soggy denim cling to my skin.

In sync with Jessa's renewed sobbing, a pressure builds inside my chest, breath seeping from my lungs like steam from a boiling pot. "I know why I'm here, but why is she? What do you have to gain by dragging Jessa into this?" I demand, my eyes boring into the headmaster's.

His laugh is caught by a gale. "I may not have a daughter, but I'm observant enough to know how gossipy girls can be. Can't keep a secret to save their lives—no jokes intended. Kate was no different. Her breeding was top of the line, but even she wasn't immune. You think she kept what she found to herself—all those texts on Ava's phone? I'm just stopping the chain of events before they make their way to the wrong people. Now turn around and get moving," he growls, the barrel of the gun pushing through his sweatshirt.

Jessa's shoulders shake as I follow her lead. I squeeze my eyes shut and blink several times, trying to clear the raindrops from my lashes. Dorm windows glow in the distance as students go about their routines, clueless to the events taking place outside. Iris should be in our room by now. She must be wondering where I am. Maybe she's even looking for me? Xander's waiting to hear from me, too. So is Drew. Surely one of them have noticed I'm missing.

Sweet Deadly Lies (A Dark Academia Mystery) Watty Winner ✔️Where stories live. Discover now