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By the time I reach Theo, I'm panting and out of breath. "Can I talk to you for a sec?" Air punches in and out of my lungs.

She glances over her shoulder before swiveling around to face me, her long blonde hair swinging just above her waist. The pale concealer she's wearing isn't enough to cover the black and blue bruise around her eye, and a tingle of guilt zips through me.

"Oh. Hey, Mia." Her voice is hesitant. Wary. I'm not surprised. This is the first we've spoken since our meeting in the office. "What's up?"

Now that I have her attention, I'm not sure where to begin. "I just wanted to apologize again for the other day. I hope we can put it behind us and move on. For Ava's sake."

"Of course." She gives me a sheepish grin. "You weren't the only one in the wrong. I should have never written those letters."

I wave my hand as though it's water under the bridge. "I'm already past it."

Her smile relaxes as we continue toward her dorm. "I was just in the cafeteria," she says. "Were you there, by chance?"

I hold in a sigh. "Unfortunately."

"So, you saw the fight between Xander and Drew?" When I nod, she pauses on the path and continues. "I get that Drew's upset, but I don't know why Xander took the bait. He just potentially put his scholarship on the line. Again. What a fucked up morning, huh?" she says, shaking her head. "Poor Kate." Theo's eyes move toward the cliffs. The emergency vehicles are no longer there, but she still gives me a funny look. "This must be triggering for you. How are you holding up?"

I shrug, a bitter taste rolling over my tongue. "I'm not sure, to be honest."

I look back at Drew's house, wondering what it's like over there. Are Kate's parents here yet? They might be close friends of the family, but how is Mr. McKenzie going to explain a second death on the cliffs? Why he couldn't keep their daughter safe. Does he blame himself for what happened?

"So, what did you want to talk to me about?" Theo's voice pulls me out of my head.

When our eyes meet, I clear my throat. "I have a question," I begin. "Remember the other day, when we were talking about Ava in the office?"

An ironic laugh passes her lips. "How could I forget?"

"There was something you were going to say before Mr. McKenzie interrupted."

"Um..." Theo's thin brows draw together and she shakes her head. "I'm not sure."

I suck in a quick breath, trying not to get impatient. "You said a few days before she died, you saw her arguing with someone. Can you tell me who it was?"

"Oh, yeah!" Theo's entire face brightens. "I was headed to the office and I saw her outside."

I nod encouragingly. "Okay..."

"I remember because she told me she was going into town and didn't want company. Something about how she needed some time alone to work things out in her head. But then she didn't leave campus by herself."

It takes every ounce of self control to keep myself from lashing out. "So, who was she with?"

"She was with Xander."

I take a step back. "Wait. Ava left campus with Xander, or Xander was the one she was arguing with?"

She cocks her head at me, confused. "Both. First, I saw them arguing outside the office, and then I saw them leave campus together."

The blood drains from my head.

Theo continues. "I was irritated they didn't want me tagging along with them."

Sweet Deadly Lies (A Dark Academia Mystery) Watty Winner ✔️Where stories live. Discover now